ZPCI Stronghold's Zone level is 22. The ZPCI use abilities with varying elements, slightly leaning on crowd control. There's also more AoE attacks than usual, compared to earlier zones.
There are 11 fight stages in this zone. Each fight stage has a 25% chance of dropping a common rarity item, if not mentioned otherwise.
There are 5 training stages, of which one is randomly selected each time the player enters training. Each fight stage has a 30% chance of dropping a common rarity item.
Min Sonny Level: 22
Stage Training - Normal - Level 20 ~ 26
Wave 1 - Level 20 ~ 26
ZPCI Striker
ZPCI Striker
ZPCI Striker
Min Sonny Level: 22
Stage Training - Normal - Level 20 ~ 26
Wave 1 - Level 20 ~ 26
ZPCI Medic
ZPCI Medic
ZPCI Medic
Min Sonny Level: 22
Stage Training - Normal - Level 20 ~ 26
Wave 1 - Level 20 ~ 26
ZPCI Striker
ZPCI Sniper
ZPCI Sniper
Min Sonny Level: 22
Stage Training - Normal - Level 20 ~ 26
Wave 1 - Level 20 ~ 26
ZPCI Medic
ZPCI Sniper
ZPCI Striker
Min Sonny Level: 22
Stage Training - Normal - Level 20 ~ 26
Wave 1 - Level 20 ~ 26
ZPCI Medic
ZPCI Medic
ZPCI Sniper
There are 16 items available in the shop.
To see more details about a specific item, click on the links to the item pages on the top of the table.
There's 5 common rarity item drops and 2 rare rarity item drop, of which the latter is dropped from the miniboss fight against Dr. Klima, and from the zone boss fight against ZPCI Praetor.
To see more details about a specific item, click on the links to the item pages on the top of the table.