Sonny Wiki
Sonny Wiki

Weapon is an equipment type in Sonny (2017). These have a multiplier of 1.5 to their stats and prices. There is a total of 50 Weapon equipment in the game, of which there are:

  • 30 Common
  • 11 Uncommon
  • 9 Rare

There also exists an unobtainable weapon, Excalibur. It's the only item of the Secret rarity.


  • When Common items drop, their level is set to the fight's Stage level
  • Item levels marked in Bold can be obtained in a legend run.
  • Item levels marken in Italic can normally not be obtained in normal gameplay, despite being able to drop according to the game code
    • This only applies to Common drop items, specifically when Sonny is training at the same level as the Zone level, which produces the lowest drop levels of that zone. It happens because for some zones, Sonny's level is 1 higher than it's Zone level, resulting in training fights which drop items with a level higher than the lowest drop level.
    • This occurs in Zone 2 and Zone 5.

Weapon Items in Sonny (2017)[]

Brokenpipe Broken Pipe - Common Weapon Shop - Patient Zero
Attribute Mod Lvl 3
Power 1 36
Buy Price $55
Sell Price (0/5) $28
(1/5) $33
(2/5) $44
(3/5) $60
(4/5) $82
(5/5) $110
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $11
(2/5) $22
(3/5) $33
(4/5) $44
(5/5) $55

Sonny2017zpcirifle ZPCI Rifle - Rare Weapon Drop - Patient Zero Boss Stage
Attribute Mod Lvl 3
Power 1 50
Physical Pow. 10%
Sell Price (0/5) $38
(1/5) $45
(2/5) $60
(3/5) $82
(4/5) $112
(5/5) $150
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $15
(2/5) $30
(3/5) $45
(4/5) $60
(5/5) $75

Ironspear Iron Spear - Common Weapon Shop - The Silver Strand
Attribute Mod Lvl 5
Power 1 66
Buy Price $95
Sell Price (0/5) $48
(1/5) $57
(2/5) $76
(3/5) $104
(4/5) $142
(5/5) $190
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $19
(2/5) $38
(3/5) $57
(4/5) $76
(5/5) $95

Ironslasher Iron Slasher - Common Weapon Shop - The Silver Strand
Attribute Mod Lvl 7
Power 0.6 64
Crit. Chance 20%
Buy Price $160
Sell Price (0/5) $80
(1/5) $96
(2/5) $128
(3/5) $176
(4/5) $240
(5/5) $320
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $32
(2/5) $64
(3/5) $96
(4/5) $128
(5/5) $160

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponBronzeSpear Bronze Spear - Common Weapon Drop - The Silver Strand
Attribute Mod Lvl 2 Lvl 3 Lvl 4 Lvl 5 Lvl 6 Lvl 7 Lvl 8 Lvl 9
Power 0.7 18 25 35 46 59 74 91 109
Speed 0.3 8 11 15 20 26 32 39 47
Sell Price (0/5) $20 $28 $38 $48 $62 $80 $98 $118
(1/5) $24 $33 $45 $57 $75 $96 $117 $141
(2/5) $32 $44 $60 $76 $100 $128 $156 $188
(3/5) $44 $60 $82 $104 $138 $176 $214 $258
(4/5) $60 $82 $112 $142 $188 $240 $292 $352
(5/5) $80 $110 $150 $190 $250 $320 $390 $470
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $8 $11 $15 $19 $25 $32 $39 $47
(2/5) $16
(3/5) $24
(4/5) $32
(5/5) $40

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponInfectAidRifle InfectAid Rifle - Common Weapon Starts on Veradux
Attribute Mod Lvl 4
Power 0.5 25
Defense 0.3 15
Hit. Bonus 25%
Lightning Pow. 25%
Sell Price (0/5) $38
(1/5) $45
(2/5) $60
(3/5) $82
(4/5) $112
(5/5) $150
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $15
(2/5) $30
(3/5) $45
(4/5) $60
(5/5) $75

Sonny2017-RareWeaponBloodSabre Blood Sabre - Rare Weapon Drop - The Silver Strand Boss Stage
Attribute Mod Lvl 6
Power 1 118
Lifesteal Basic strikes also recover 35% damage as HP.
Sell Price (0/5) $88
(1/5) $105
(2/5) $140
(3/5) $192
(4/5) $262
(5/5) $350
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $35
(2/5) $70
(3/5) $105
(4/5) $140
(5/5) $175

Swift blade Swift Blade - Common Weapon Shop - Tera Jungle
Attribute Mod Lvl 9
Power 0.5 78
Speed 0.3 47
Hit. Bonus 20%
Buy Price $235
Sell Price (0/5) $118
(1/5) $141
(2/5) $188
(3/5) $258
(4/5) $352
(5/5) $470
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $47
(2/5) $94
(3/5) $141
(4/5) $188
(5/5) $235

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponAcidClaw Acid Claw - Common Weapon Drop - Tera Jungle
Attribute Mod Lvl 4 Lvl 5 Lvl 6 Lvl 7 Lvl 8 Lvl 9 Lvl 10 Lvl 11
Power 0.7 35 46 59 74 91 109 129 151
Nature Pow. 30%
Sell Price (0/5) $38 $48 $62 $80 $98 $118 $138 $160
(1/5) $45 $57 $75 $96 $117 $141 $165 $192
(2/5) $60 $76 $100 $128 $156 $188 $220 $256
(3/5) $82 $104 $138 $176 $214 $258 $302 $352
(4/5) $112 $142 $188 $240 $292 $352 $412 $480
(5/5) $150 $190 $250 $320 $390 $470 $550 $640
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $15 $19 $25 $32 $39 $47 $55 $64
(2/5) $30
(3/5) $45
(4/5) $60
(5/5) $75

Swift blade Surgical Knife - Common Weapon Starts on Dr Herregods
Attribute Mod Lvl 6
Power 0.8 68
Vitality 0.2 17
Hit. Bonus 15%
Physical Pow. 15%
Sell Price (0/5) $62
(1/5) $75
(2/5) $100
(3/5) $138
(4/5) $188
(5/5) $250
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $25
(2/5) $50
(3/5) $75
(4/5) $100
(5/5) $125

Claw of venom Claw of Venom - Uncommon Weapon Shop - Tera Jungle
Attribute Mod Lvl 9
Power 0.8 156
Crit. Chance 15%
Buy Price $290
Sell Price (0/5) $145
(1/5) $174
(2/5) $232
(3/5) $319
(4/5) $435
(5/5) $580
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $58
(2/5) $116
(3/5) $174
(4/5) $232
(5/5) $290

Sonny2017-RareWeaponCorruptorStaff Corruptor Staff - Rare Weapon Drop - Tera Jungle Boss Stage
Attribute Mod Lvl 9
Power 0.7 153
Defense 0.2 44
Hit. Bonus 10%
Piercing Basic strikes ignore defense.
Sell Price (0/5) $165
(1/5) $198
(2/5) $264
(3/5) $363
(4/5) $495
(5/5) $660
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $66
(2/5) $132
(3/5) $198
(4/5) $264
(5/5) $330

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponSteelAxe Steel Axe - Common Weapon Shop - Firewell Factory
Attribute Mod Lvl 10
Power 0.6 111
Defense 0.4 74
Buy Price $275
Sell Price (0/5) $138
(1/5) $165
(2/5) $220
(3/5) $302
(4/5) $412
(5/5) $550
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $55
(2/5) $110
(3/5) $165
(4/5) $220
(5/5) $275

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponHydroLance Hydro Lance - Common Weapon Shop - Firewell Factory
Attribute Mod Lvl 12
Power 0.85 211
Piercing Basic strikes ignore defense.
Buy Price $370
Sell Price (0/5) $185
(1/5) $222
(2/5) $296
(3/5) $407
(4/5) $555
(5/5) $740
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $74
(2/5) $148
(3/5) $222
(4/5) $296
(5/5) $370

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponLavaMace Lava Mace - Common Weapon Drop - Firewell Factory
Attribute Mod Lvl 8 Lvl 9 Lvl 10 Lvl 11 Lvl 12 Lvl 13 Lvl 14 Lvl 15
Power 1 130 156 184 215 248 283 319 358
Fire Pow. 25%
Sell Price (0/5) $98 $118 $138 $160 $185 $212 $240 $270
(1/5) $117 $141 $165 $192 $222 $255 $288 $324
(2/5) $156 $188 $220 $256 $296 $340 $384 $432
(3/5) $214 $258 $302 $352 $407 $468 $528 $594
(4/5) $292 $352 $412 $480 $555 $638 $720 $810
(5/5) $390 $470 $550 $640 $740 $850 $960 $1080
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $39 $47 $55 $64 $74 $85 $96 $108
(2/5) $78
(3/5) $117
(4/5) $156
(5/5) $195

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponTitaniumAxe Titanium Axe - Common Weapon Drop - Firewell Factory
Attribute Mod Lvl 8 Lvl 9 Lvl 10 Lvl 11 Lvl 12 Lvl 13 Lvl 14 Lvl 15
Power 0.8 104 125 147 172 198 226 256 287
Physical Pow. 15%
Sell Price (0/5) $98 $118 $138 $160 $185 $212 $240 $270
(1/5) $117 $141 $165 $192 $222 $255 $288 $324
(2/5) $156 $188 $220 $256 $296 $340 $384 $432
(3/5) $214 $258 $302 $352 $407 $468 $528 $594
(4/5) $292 $352 $412 $480 $555 $638 $720 $810
(5/5) $390 $470 $550 $640 $740 $850 $960 $1080
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $39 $47 $55 $64 $74 $85 $96 $108
(2/5) $78
(3/5) $117
(4/5) $156
(5/5) $195

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponCustomRifle Custom Rifle - Common Weapon Starts on Kara
Attribute Mod Lvl 10
Power 0.7 129
Speed 0.3 56
Fire Pow. 15%
Sell Price (0/5) $138
(1/5) $165
(2/5) $220
(3/5) $302
(4/5) $412
(5/5) $550
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $55
(2/5) $110
(3/5) $165
(4/5) $220
(5/5) $275

Sonny2017-UncommonWeaponIgnitionMace Ignition Mace - Uncommon Weapon Shop - Firewell Factory
Attribute Mod Lvl 12
Power 0.8 248
Speed 0.2 62
Haste Basic strikes have 15% chance to grant Haste.
Buy Price $465
Sell Price (0/5) $232
(1/5) $279
(2/5) $372
(3/5) $512
(4/5) $698
(5/5) $930
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $93
(2/5) $186
(3/5) $279
(4/5) $372
(5/5) $465

Sonny2017-RareWeaponMoltenDrill Molten Drill - Rare Weapon Drop - Firewell Factory Boss Stage
Attribute Mod Lvl 12
Power 0.85 295
Hit. Bonus 10%
Stun Proc Basic strikes have 15% chance to stun the target.
Sell Price (0/5) $260
(1/5) $312
(2/5) $416
(3/5) $572
(4/5) $780
(5/5) $1040
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $104
(2/5) $208
(3/5) $312
(4/5) $416
(5/5) $520

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponFrozenAxe Frozen Axe - Common Weapon Shop - The Hidden Forest
Attribute Mod Lvl 13
Power 0.75 212
Hit. Bonus 15%
Buy Price $425
Sell Price (0/5) $212
(1/5) $255
(2/5) $340
(3/5) $468
(4/5) $638
(5/5) $850
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $85
(2/5) $170
(3/5) $255
(4/5) $340
(5/5) $425

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponShatterBlade Shatter Blade - Common Weapon Shop - The Hidden Forest
Attribute Mod Lvl 15
Power 0.6 215
Speed 0.35 126
Crit. Chance 5%
Buy Price $540
Sell Price (0/5) $270
(1/5) $324
(2/5) $432
(3/5) $594
(4/5) $810
(5/5) $1080
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $108
(2/5) $216
(3/5) $324
(4/5) $432
(5/5) $540

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponFrozenBlade Frozen Blade - Common Weapon Drop - The Hidden Forest
Attribute Mod Lvl 11 Lvl 12 Lvl 13 Lvl 14 Lvl 15 Lvl 16 Lvl 17
Power 0.6 129 149 170 192 215 240 266
Defense 0.35 76 87 99 112 126 140 155
Crit. Chance 5%
Sell Price (0/5) $160 $185 $212 $240 $270 $300 $332
(1/5) $192 $222 $255 $288 $324 $360 $399
(2/5) $256 $296 $340 $384 $432 $480 $532
(3/5) $352 $407 $468 $528 $594 $660 $732
(4/5) $480 $555 $638 $720 $810 $900 $998
(5/5) $640 $740 $850 $960 $1080 $1200 $1330
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $64 $74 $85 $96 $108 $120 $133
(2/5) $128
(3/5) $192
(4/5) $256
(5/5) $320

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponExilesSpade Exile's Spade - Common Weapon Starts on Zakk
Attribute Mod Lvl 13
Power 0.6 170
Defense 0.4 113
Hit. Bonus 15%
Focus Drain Basic strikes deplete 15 focus per hit.
Sell Price (0/5) $212
(1/5) $255
(2/5) $340
(3/5) $468
(4/5) $638
(5/5) $850
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $85
(2/5) $170
(3/5) $255
(4/5) $340
(5/5) $425

Sonny2017-UncommonWeaponSilverSpade Silver Spade - Uncommon Weapon Shop - The Hidden Forest
Attribute Mod Lvl 15
Power 0.8 358
Vitality 0.2 90
Focus Drain Basic strikes deplete 15 focus per hit.
Buy Price $670
Sell Price (0/5) $335
(1/5) $402
(2/5) $536
(3/5) $737
(4/5) $1005
(5/5) $1340
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $134
(2/5) $268
(3/5) $402
(4/5) $536
(5/5) $670

Sonny2017-RareWeaponFrostfang Frostfang - Rare Weapon Drop - The Hidden Forest Boss Stage
Attribute Mod Lvl 15
Power 0.7 351
Speed 0.2 101
Focus Drain Basic strikes deplete 15 focus per hit.
Sell Price (0/5) $378
(1/5) $453
(2/5) $604
(3/5) $830
(4/5) $1132
(5/5) $1510
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $151
(2/5) $302
(3/5) $453
(4/5) $604
(5/5) $755

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponInfectAidRifle Riot Gun - Common Weapon Shop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 16
Power 0.7 280
Speed 0.3 120
Buy Price $600
Sell Price (0/5) $300
(1/5) $360
(2/5) $480
(3/5) $660
(4/5) $900
(5/5) $1200
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $120
(2/5) $240
(3/5) $360
(4/5) $480
(5/5) $600

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponKatana Katana - Common Weapon Shop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 17
Power 0.6 266
Speed 0.4 177
Buy Price $665
Sell Price (0/5) $332
(1/5) $399
(2/5) $532
(3/5) $732
(4/5) $998
(5/5) $1330
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $133
(2/5) $266
(3/5) $399
(4/5) $532
(5/5) $665

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponPulseSaber Pulse Saber - Common Weapon Drop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 13 Lvl 14 Lvl 15 Lvl 16 Lvl 17 Lvl 18 Lvl 19 Lvl 20 Lvl 21
Power 0.45 127 144 162 180 199 220 241 263 285
Crit. Chance 30%
Sell Price (0/5) $212 $240 $270 $300 $332 $365 $400 $438 $475
(1/5) $255 $288 $324 $360 $399 $438 $480 $525 $570
(2/5) $340 $384 $432 $480 $532 $584 $640 $700 $760
(3/5) $468 $528 $594 $660 $732 $803 $880 $962 $1045
(4/5) $638 $720 $810 $900 $998 $1095 $1200 $1312 $1425
(5/5) $850 $960 $1080 $1200 $1330 $1460 $1600 $1750 $1900
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $85 $96 $108 $120 $133 $146 $160 $175 $190
(2/5) $170
(3/5) $255
(4/5) $340
(5/5) $425

Sonny2017-UncommonWeaponShockLance Shock Lance - Uncommon Weapon Shop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 17
Power 0.65 360
Speed 0.2 111
Hit. Bonus 10%
Buy Price $830
Sell Price (0/5) $415
(1/5) $498
(2/5) $664
(3/5) $913
(4/5) $1245
(5/5) $1660
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $166
(2/5) $332
(3/5) $498
(4/5) $664
(5/5) $830

Sonny2017-UncommonWeaponBeamSaber Beam Saber - Uncommon Weapon Shop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 18
Power 0.75 457
Crit. Chance 15%
Buy Price $915
Sell Price (0/5) $458
(1/5) $549
(2/5) $732
(3/5) $1006
(4/5) $1372
(5/5) $1830
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $183
(2/5) $366
(3/5) $549
(4/5) $732
(5/5) $915

Sonny2017-RareWeaponMegatronHammer Megatron Hammer - Rare Weapon Drop - Thunder Labs Boss Stage
Attribute Mod Lvl 18
Power 0.9 614
Crit. Chance 10%
Hit. Bonus 10%
Sell Price (0/5) $510
(1/5) $612
(2/5) $816
(3/5) $1122
(4/5) $1530
(5/5) $2040
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $204
(2/5) $408
(3/5) $612
(4/5) $816
(5/5) $1020

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponDarkStaff Dark Staff - Common Weapon Shop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 20
Power 1 583
Buy Price $875
Sell Price (0/5) $438
(1/5) $525
(2/5) $700
(3/5) $962
(4/5) $1312
(5/5) $1750
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $175
(2/5) $350
(3/5) $525
(4/5) $700
(5/5) $875

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponLegionBlade Legion Blade - Common Weapon Shop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 21
Power 0.3 190
Defense 0.5 317
Speed 0.2 127
Buy Price $950
Sell Price (0/5) $475
(1/5) $570
(2/5) $760
(3/5) $1045
(4/5) $1425
(5/5) $1900
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $190
(2/5) $380
(3/5) $570
(4/5) $760
(5/5) $950

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponNullStaff Null Staff - Common Weapon Drop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 17 Lvl 18 Lvl 19 Lvl 20 Lvl 21 Lvl 22 Lvl 23 Lvl 24
Power 0.8 354 390 427 466 507 549 592 637
Lightning Pow. 25%
Shadow Pow. 25%
Sell Price (0/5) $332 $365 $400 $438 $475 $515 $555 $595
(1/5) $399 $438 $480 $525 $570 $618 $666 $714
(2/5) $532 $584 $640 $700 $760 $824 $888 $952
(3/5) $732 $803 $880 $962 $1045 $1133 $1221 $1309
(4/5) $998 $1095 $1200 $1312 $1425 $1545 $1665 $1785
(5/5) $1330 $1460 $1600 $1750 $1900 $2060 $2220 $2380
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $133 $146 $160 $175 $190 $206 $222 $238
(2/5) $266
(3/5) $399
(4/5) $532
(5/5) $665

Sonny2017-UncommonWeaponGhostScythe Ghost Scythe - Uncommon Weapon Shop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 22
Power 0.55 472
Vitality 0.2 172
Hit. Bonus 30%
Buy Price $1290
Sell Price (0/5) $645
(1/5) $774
(2/5) $1032
(3/5) $1419
(4/5) $1935
(5/5) $2580
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $258
(2/5) $516
(3/5) $774
(4/5) $1032
(5/5) $1290

Sonny2017-UncommonWeaponAssaultRifle Assault Rifle - Uncommon Weapon Shop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 22
Power 0.7 600
Speed 0.2 172
Vitality 0.1 86
Buy Price $1290
Sell Price (0/5) $645
(1/5) $774
(2/5) $1032
(3/5) $1419
(4/5) $1935
(5/5) $2580
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $258
(2/5) $516
(3/5) $774
(4/5) $1032
(5/5) $1290

Sonny2017-RareWeaponHollowMirage Hollow Mirage - Rare Weapon Drop - Blackhall Keep Boss Stage
Attribute Mod Lvl 22
Power 0.8 768
Hit. Bonus 30%
Multistrike Basic strikes have 15% chance to multi-strike.
Sell Price (0/5) $720
(1/5) $864
(2/5) $1152
(3/5) $1584
(4/5) $2160
(5/5) $2880
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $288
(2/5) $576
(3/5) $864
(4/5) $1152
(5/5) $1440

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponBerserkerMace Berserker Mace - Common Weapon Shop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 23
Power 0.7 518
Defense 0.3 222
Buy Price $1110
Sell Price (0/5) $555
(1/5) $666
(2/5) $888
(3/5) $1221
(4/5) $1665
(5/5) $2220
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $222
(2/5) $444
(3/5) $666
(4/5) $888
(5/5) $1110

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponZPCIBlaster ZPCI Blaster - Common Weapon Shop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 23
Power 0.8 592
Speed 0.2 148
Buy Price $1110
Sell Price (0/5) $555
(1/5) $666
(2/5) $888
(3/5) $1221
(4/5) $1665
(5/5) $2220
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $222
(2/5) $444
(3/5) $666
(4/5) $888
(5/5) $1110

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponPolicePistol Police Pistol - Common Weapon Drop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 20 Lvl 21 Lvl 22 Lvl 23 Lvl 24 Lvl 25 Lvl 26
Power 0.5 292 317 343 370 398 427 457
Speed 0.5 292 317 343 370 398 427 457
Sell Price (0/5) $438 $475 $515 $555 $595 $640 $685
(1/5) $525 $570 $618 $666 $714 $768 $822
(2/5) $700 $760 $824 $888 $952 $1024 $1096
(3/5) $962 $1045 $1133 $1221 $1309 $1408 $1507
(4/5) $1312 $1425 $1545 $1665 $1785 $1920 $2055
(5/5) $1750 $1900 $2060 $2220 $2380 $2560 $2740
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $175 $190 $206 $222 $238 $256 $274
(2/5) $350
(3/5) $525
(4/5) $700
(5/5) $875

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponCustomRifle Sniper Rifle - Common Weapon Drop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 20 Lvl 21 Lvl 22 Lvl 23 Lvl 24 Lvl 25 Lvl 26
Power 0.9 525 570 617 666 717 769 822
Hit. Bonus 30%
Sell Price (0/5) $438 $475 $515 $555 $595 $640 $685
(1/5) $525 $570 $618 $666 $714 $768 $822
(2/5) $700 $760 $824 $888 $952 $1024 $1096
(3/5) $962 $1045 $1133 $1221 $1309 $1408 $1507
(4/5) $1312 $1425 $1545 $1665 $1785 $1920 $2055
(5/5) $1750 $1900 $2060 $2220 $2380 $2560 $2740
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $175 $190 $206 $222 $238 $256 $274
(2/5) $350
(3/5) $525
(4/5) $700
(5/5) $875

Sonny2017-UncommonWeaponRiotBaton Riot Baton - Uncommon Weapon Shop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 23
Power 0.8 740
Vitality 0.2 185
Buy Price $1390
Sell Price (0/5) $695
(1/5) $834
(2/5) $1112
(3/5) $1529
(4/5) $2085
(5/5) $2780
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $278
(2/5) $556
(3/5) $834
(4/5) $1112
(5/5) $1390

Sonny2017-UncommonWeaponSniperRifle Sniper Rifle - Uncommon Weapon Shop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 24
Power 0.45 448
Speed 0.35 349
Crit. Chance 15%
Buy Price $1490
Sell Price (0/5) $745
(1/5) $894
(2/5) $1192
(3/5) $1639
(4/5) $2235
(5/5) $2980
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $298
(2/5) $596
(3/5) $894
(4/5) $1192
(5/5) $1490

Sonny2017-RareWeaponTheResistance The Resistance - Rare Weapon Drop - ZPCI Stronghold Boss Stage
Attribute Mod Lvl 23
Power 0.8 829
Vitality 0.2 208
Lifesteal Basic strikes also recover 35% damage as HP.
Sell Price (0/5) $775
(1/5) $930
(2/5) $1240
(3/5) $1705
(4/5) $2325
(5/5) $3100
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $310
(2/5) $620
(3/5) $930
(4/5) $1240
(5/5) $1550

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponSquadGun Squad Gun - Common Weapon Shop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 25
Power 0.4 342
Speed 0.2 171
Vitality 0.2 171
Fire Pow. 10%
Buy Price $1280
Sell Price (0/5) $640
(1/5) $768
(2/5) $1024
(3/5) $1408
(4/5) $1920
(5/5) $2560
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $256
(2/5) $512
(3/5) $768
(4/5) $1024
(5/5) $1280

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponPlagueHarpoon Plague Harpoon - Common Weapon Shop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 25
Power 0.9 769
Nature Pow. 10%
Buy Price $1280
Sell Price (0/5) $640
(1/5) $768
(2/5) $1024
(3/5) $1408
(4/5) $1920
(5/5) $2560
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $256
(2/5) $512
(3/5) $768
(4/5) $1024
(5/5) $1280

Sonny2017-CommonWeaponRomanHarpoon Roman Harpoon - Common Weapon Drop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 22 Lvl 23 Lvl 24 Lvl 25 Lvl 26 Lvl 27 Lvl 28 Lvl 29 Lvl 30
Power 0.9 617 666 717 769 822 877 934 992 1052
Shadow Pow. 10%
Sell Price (0/5) $515 $555 $595 $640 $685 $730 $780 $825 $875
(1/5) $618 $666 $714 $768 $822 $876 $936 $990 $1050
(2/5) $824 $888 $952 $1024 $1096 $1168 $1248 $1320 $1400
(3/5) $1133 $1221 $1309 $1408 $1507 $1606 $1716 $1815 $1925
(4/5) $1545 $1665 $1785 $1920 $2055 $2190 $2340 $2475 $2625
(5/5) $2060 $2220 $2380 $2560 $2740 $2920 $3120 $3300 $3500
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $206 $222 $238 $256 $274 $292 $312 $330 $350
(2/5) $412
(3/5) $618
(4/5) $824
(5/5) $1030

Sonny2017-UncommonWeaponPulseKatana Pulse Katana - Uncommon Weapon Shop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 25
Power 0.6 641
Speed 0.3 321
Lightning Pow. 10%
Buy Price $1600
Sell Price (0/5) $800
(1/5) $960
(2/5) $1280
(3/5) $1760
(4/5) $2400
(5/5) $3200
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $320
(2/5) $640
(3/5) $960
(4/5) $1280
(5/5) $1600

Sonny2017-UncommonWeaponBloodShard Blood Shard - Uncommon Weapon Shop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 25
Power 0.4 427
Speed 0.2 214
Crit. Chance 20%
Buy Price $1600
Sell Price (0/5) $800
(1/5) $960
(2/5) $1280
(3/5) $1760
(4/5) $2400
(5/5) $3200
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $320
(2/5) $640
(3/5) $960
(4/5) $1280
(5/5) $1600

Sonny2017-RareWeaponAstralJustice Astral Justice - Rare Weapon Drop - The Red Pillars Boss Stage
Attribute Mod Lvl 25
Power 0.8 956
Defense 0.2 239
Haste Basic strikes have 15% chance to grant Haste.
Sell Price (0/5) $895
(1/5) $1074
(2/5) $1432
(3/5) $1969
(4/5) $2685
(5/5) $3580
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $358
(2/5) $716
(3/5) $1074
(4/5) $1432
(5/5) $1790


  • An item's buying price is always a multiple of 5, and at >$1000 it's always a multiple of 10.
    • Since it's initial upgrade price is a fifth of the buying price, the upgrade price of all item levels is always an integer.
  • This equipment type has the highest multiplier (1.5) for stats and prices, and the most items of Rare rarity, out of all types.
  • All Weapon items increases Power, and almost all of them has it as the highest stat. The only exceptions are Legion Blade (Zone 6) and Police Pistol (Zone 7).