Sonny Wiki
For the boss within Tera Jungle, see Corrupter.
Versu the Corruptor
Level 30
Race Unknown
Zone Sho'Tul Shelf
- Stage 4 (Boss)
Allies Orb of Restraint, Orb of Sanctuary

Versu the Corruptor is an enemy from Sho'Tul Shelf in Sonny 2. It's allied with Orb of Restraint and Orb of Sanctuary. She is the final non-plot-related boss in Sonny 2.



Attributes LV30
HEROIC Speed 292
Instinct 146
Strength 292
HP 38572
Focus 100 Physical Cosmic Ice Fire Lightning Earth Shadow Poison
Target Weakest Piercing 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Defense 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100


Black Metal
Cost CD Available Targets Number on Action Bar
25 Focus
Black Metal Versu the Corruptor
Element Damage/Healing
150% Strength
Accuracy modifier Additional notes
S2 Black Metal
Black Metal
Healing cast on this unit is 95% less effective. Lasts 5 turns.
Cannot stack.
Cannot be dispelled.

Leading Strike
Cost CD Available Targets Number on Action Bar
Leading Strike Versu the Corruptor
Element Damage/Healing
170% Strength
Accuracy modifier Additional notes
Recovers 50 Focus.
Sonny can also use Leading Strike.

Wrath Aura
Cost CD Available Targets Number on Action Bar
Wrath Aura Versu the Corruptor
Element Damage/Healing
Accuracy modifier Additional notes
S2 Corruptor Form
Corruptor Form
The corruptor reveals itself. This unit now gains a 5000 damage bonus to all attacks. All attacks against this target deal 10000 less damage. This effect cannot be dispelled. Lasts 99 turns.
Deals 5000 more damage.
Takes 10000 less damage.

Ability Selection[]

Notes on enemy AI: While in a given battle stage, enemies will attempt to use First Choice abilities. If impossible (due to focus, silencing or cooldowns), they will proceed to Second Choice, etc.
Cooldown for enemies indicates how often abilities may be used, and is effectively one less than for Sonny (IE cooldown of 2 can be used every second turn)
Enemy-targetting abilities have a chance of targetting the weakest enemy rather than targetting at random; this is given in the Attributes section above.
Ally-targetting abilities always target the weakest targetable ally.
Selection within a category is random unless indicated.
All exceptions noted below.
Battle Stages First Choice Second Choice Third Choice
2 allies still alive Black Metal Leading Strike
One ally dead Wrath Aura Black Metal Leading Strike


Headwear Bodywear Gloves Leggings Footwear Primary Secondary
Corruptor Bodywear
S2U Fire Sword Image
Corruptor Secondary
unknown unknown unknown
Headwear Bodywear Gloves Leggings Footwear Primary Secondary
S2 Poisoned Knife Image
S2 Acidic Edge Image
Poisoned Knife Acidic Edge



  • Use Dark Infusion on the Corruptor for the first three turns so that she will always use Black Metal debuff and will not receive any healing at all if she has focus. Once that's done, use either Shock Therapy (this is possible because Shock Therapy interprets the effect of Dark Infusion as a debuff as it deals damage) or Electrical Storm to speed up the battle quickly. Always make sure that there are at least two Dark Infusion debuffs on the Corruptor at all times because they will restore 30 focus, which is more than the focus cost (25) of the Black Metal attack.
  • Alternatively, you can use the one-shot combo on her: High Voltage + High Voltage + Shock Coma + Shock Coma + High Voltage + Retrograde. You need Overdrive and a maxed out Shock Coma.




  • Versu only receives healing from the Orbs when she has 0 focus.
  • Ensuring she remains above 0 focus is crucial, as the Greater Purpose buff bestowed by the Orb of Sanctuary upon healing, along with the significant health restoration itself, will prolong the battle significantly.
  • All 3 classes have abilities that can leave Versu's focus at a number that isn't a multiple of 25, forcing her to use Leading Strike to regain focus instead of dropping to 0. Done properly, one can ensure she never drops to 0 focus, and receives healing.


Item Name Item Icon Sell Price Item Stats Item Description
Corrupted Helm
Corrupted Helm Sonny 2 1
  • Physical Piercing+113
  • Ice Piercing+113
  • Lightning Piercing+113
  • Shadow Piercing+113
  • Poison Piercing+113
Corrupted Armor
Corrupted Armor Sonny 2 1
  • Physical Piercing+113
  • Ice Piercing+113
  • Lightning Piercing+113
  • Shadow Piercing+113
  • Poison Piercing+113
Corrupted Leggings
Corrupted Leggings Sonny 2 1
  • Physical Piercing+113
  • Ice Piercing+113
  • Lightning Piercing+113
  • Shadow Piercing+113
  • Poison Piercing+113
Corrupted Shoes
Corrupted Shoes Sonny 2 1
  • Physical Piercing+81
  • Ice Piercing+81
  • Lightning Piercing+81
  • Shadow Piercing+81
  • Poison Piercing+81
Corrupted Gloves
Corrupted Gloves Sonny 2 1
  • Physical Piercing+81
  • Ice Piercing+81
  • Lightning Piercing+81
  • Shadow Piercing+81
  • Poison Piercing+81


  • As with The Judge, the armor looks different when the Corruptor equips it, as when you receive the drop it looks like a purple version of the Specialist suit. This is because the Corruptor uses a female appearance as evidenced by the way the blades are held.
  • The corruptor form when she uses Wrath Aura is a green version of Clemons' true form, and Poisoned Knife and Acidic Edge replace Devil Blade and Demon Blade.
  • While rare, due to a glitch, both of the orbs might use Flawed Design and Salvation Aura on Versu the Corruptor, leaving them without a buff/debuff.

See Also[]
