Sonny Wiki

Storm Rifle[]

S2 Storm Rifle Storm Rifle Level 1 Combat Medic Two-Handed Arms Sell: €5
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Storm Rifle Image
Speed +3
Instinct +5
Strength +5
Lightning Piercing +46
Starts on Veradux


S2 Persecution Persecution Level 5 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €151
An instrument of fiery justice.
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Persecution Image
Speed +7
Instinct +5
Strength +12
Vitality +7
Drop New Alcatraz:
- Stage 7: The Warden (25%)
- Training Fight: The Warden (30%)

Standard Rifle[]

S2 Standard Rifle Standard Rifle Level 6 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €67
'Property of Zombie Pest Control Inc.'
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Standard Rifle Image
Speed +3
Instinct +17
Strength +3
Vitality +3
Drop New Alcatraz:
- Stage 9: ZPCI Elite (2 x 16.67%)
- Training Fight: ZPCI Elite (2 x 16.67%)

Venom Smite[]

S2 Venom Smite Venom Smite Level 9 Two-Handed Arms Buy: €810 Sell: €122
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Venom Smite Image
Instinct +3
Strength +19
Vitality +12
Poison Piercing +48
Item store - Oberursel
This is a callback to a weapon in Sonny, the Steel Slicer

Frosted Light[]

S2 Frosted Light Frosted Light Level 9 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €122
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Frosted Light Image
Speed +5
Instinct +14
Vitality +23
Physical Defense +16
Drop Oberursel:
- Stage 5: Knight, Priest (16.67%)
- Stage 7: Knight, Priest, Mage (16.67%)
- Training Fight: Knight, Priest, Mage (16.67%)

Fiery Doom[]

Fiery Doom Sonny 2 1 Fiery Doom Level 9 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €122
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Fiery Doom Image
Speed +10
Instinct +28
Vitality +10
Drop Oberursel:
- Stage 7: Knight, Priest, Mage (16.67%)
- Stage 8: Knight, Mage x2 (2 x 16.67%)
- Training Fight: Knight, Priest, Mage (16.67%)

Rebellion Striker[]

Rebellion Striker Sonny 2 1 Rebellion Striker Level 11 Two-Handed Arms Buy: €1094 Sell: €165
Seems to be modelled after the AK-47.
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Rebellion Striker Image
Speed +16
Strength +16
Fire Piercing +89
Poison Piercing +89
Starts on Roald
Shop - Oberursel


Runeblade sonny 2 1 Runeblade Level 11 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €165
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Runeblade Image
Speed +18
Instinct +11
Strength +24
Vitality +11
Physical Piercing +53
Drop Oberursel:
- Stage 9: Cult Leader (17%)
- Training Fight: Cult Leader (17%)

ZPCI Sniper Rifle[]

ZPCI Sniper Rifle Sonny 2 1 ZPCI Sniper Rifle Level 11 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €165
An excellent gun, but the golden plating seems pointless.
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 ZPCI Sniper Rifle Image
Speed +19
Strength +19
Vitality +16
Fire Piercing +89
Drop Oberursel:
- Stage 13 (Boss): ZPCI Sniper, ZPCI Medic, Captain Hunt (16.67%)

Frosted Axe[]

S2 Frosted Axe Frosted Axe Level 12 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €188
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Frosted Axe Image
Speed +11
Instinct +11
Ice Piercing +130
Drop Ivory Line:
- Stage 4: Antagonist, Beast, Phantom (33.33%)
- Training Fight: Antagonist, Beast, Phantom (33.33%)
This weapon, like many in the zone, is a callback to a Sonny weapon, the Mender's Axe.

Charged Axe[]

Charged Axe Sonny 2 1 Charged Axe Level 12 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €188
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Charged Axe Image
Instinct +26
Lightning Piercing +121
Drop Ivory Line:
- Stage 4: Antagonist, Beast, Phantom (33.33%)
- Training Fight: Antagonist, Beast, Phantom (33.33%)
This weapon, like many in the zone, is a callback to a Sonny weapon, the Breaker's Axe.

Unholy Runeblade[]

S2 Unholy Runeblade Unholy Runeblade Level 13 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €211
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Unholy Runeblade Image
Speed +34
Strength +43
Vitality +26
Shadow Piercing +97
Drop Oberursel:
- Stage 10: Baron Brixius (17%)
- Training Fight: Baron Brixius (17%)


S2 Annihilation Annihilation Level 13 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €211
Consider yourself lucky that you aren't on the receiving end.
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Annihilation Image
Speed +17
Strength +85
Vitality +9
Drop Ivory Line:
- Stage 1: Spectre (8%)
- Stage 2: ZPCI Elite x2 (8%)
- Stage 3: Spectre x2 (8%)
- Stage 4: Antagonist, Phantom, Beast (8%)
- Training Fight: Spectre (8%)
- Training Fight: ZPCI Elite x2 (8%)
- Training Fight: Spectre x2 (8%)
- Training Fight: Antagonist, Phantom, Beast (8%)
This weapon, like many in the zone, is a callback to a Sonny weapon, Destruction.

Ancient Katana[]

S2 Ancient Katana Ancient Katana Level 14 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €236
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Ancient Katana Image
Speed +20
Instinct +20
Strength +49
Vitality +10
Drop Ivory Line:
- Stage 4: Antagonist, Beast, Phantom (33.33%)
- Training Fight: Antagonist, Beast, Phantom (33.33%)
This weapon, like many in the zone, is a callback to a Sonny weapon, the Icy Katana.

Shandor's Darkstaff[]

S2 Shandor's Darkstaff Shandor's Darkstaff Level 15 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €262
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Shandor's Darkstaff Image
Speed +45
Instinct +56
Vitality +45
Drop Ivory Line:
- Stage 9 (Boss): Clemons the Deceiver (33.33%)
This weapon, like many in the zone, is a callback to a Sonny weapon, Nature's Fury.

Sun Struck Horrors[]

Sun Struck Horrors Sonny 2 1 Sun Struck Horrors Level 15 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €262
You can hear twisted laughs...
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Sun Struck Horrors Image
Speed +28
Instinct +28
Strength +56
Vitality +34
Fire Piercing +211
Drop Ivory Line:
- Stage 9 (Boss): Clemons the Deceiver (33.33%)
This weapon, like many in the zone, is a callback to a Sonny weapon, Moon Struck Horrors.

Burk's Precision[]

S2 Burk's Precision Burk's Precision Level 18 Two-Handed Arms Buy: €2291 Sell: €344
The eye patch should be somewhere around here too...
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Burk's Precision Image
Speed +26
Instinct +11
Strength +51
Vitality +16
Item store - Labyrinth
The name and description are a reference to the character Burk from Tainted Kingdoms, one of Krin's other games.

EmberRifle 2012[]

S2 EmberRifle 2012 EmberRifle 2012 Level 18 Two-Handed Arms Buy: €2291 Sell: €344
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 EmberRifle 2012 Image
Strength +24
Vitality +24
Fire Piercing +474
Item store - Labyrinth

Poseidon's Fury[]

Poseidon's Fury Sonny 2 1 Poseidon's Fury Level 19 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €373
Wield the fury of a titan.
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Poseidon's Fury Image
Speed +51
Instinct +102
Lightning Piercing +98
Drop Labyrinth:
- Stage 1: Tunnel Beast (8%)
- Stage 2: Vivian Vixen (8%)
- Stage 3: Gregor (8%)
- Stage 4: Shunny (8%)
- Stage 5: The Magical Monkey (8%)
- Stage 6: Mokoshotar (8%)
- Stage 7: Bunny (8%)
- Stage 8: Flower Zombie (8%)
- Training Fight: Tunnel Beast (8%)
- Training Fight: Shunny (8%)
- Training Fight: The Magical Monkey (8%)
- Training Fight: Mokoshotar (8%)
- Training Fight: Flower Zombie (8%)

Emerald Death[]

Emerald Death Sonny 2 1 Emerald Death Level 19 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €373
It's rare that you find a shard this perfect.
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Emerald Death Image
Strength +186
Vitality +34
Drop Labyrinth:
- Stage 9 (Boss): Fire Claw x2, The Hydra (25%)

Law Binder[]

S2 Law Binder Law Binder Level 21 Two-Handed Arms Buy: €2887 Sell: €434
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Law Binder Image
Speed +21
Instinct +141
Vitality +41
Item store - Hew

Riot Gun[]

S2 Riot Gun Riot Gun Level 21 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €434
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Riot Gun Image
Speed +51
Instinct +61
Strength +71
Vitality +21
Drop Hew:
- Stage 1: Riot Police (25%)
- Stage 2: Riot Police, Blood Hound (25%)
- Stage 6: Blood Hound x2, Care Taker (2 x 25%)
- Stage 7: Riot Police x2, Android Guard (2 x 25%)
- Training Fight: Riot Police, Secret Police (25%)
- Training Fight: Blood Hound x2, Care Taker (2 x 25%)

Imperial Rifle[]

Imperial Rifle Sonny 2 1 Imperial Rifle Level 21 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €434
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Imperial Rifle Image
Speed +51
Strength +61
Vitality +31
Fire Piercing +197
Drop Hew:
- Stage 3: Secret Police x2 (2 x 25%)
- Stage 11: Secret Police, Android Guard, Specialist (25%)
- Stage 13: Secret Police, Android Guard x2 (25%)


S2 Supremacy Supremacy Level 22 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €465
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Supremacy Image
Speed +66
Instinct +109
Strength +109
Drop Hew:
- Stage 4: Police Colonel (20%)
- Training Fight: Police Colonel (20%)

Wrath of the Council[]

Wrath of the Council Sonny 2 1 Wrath of the Council Level 22 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €465
Incredible power...
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Wrath of the Council Image
Instinct +152
Ice Piercing +81
Lightning Piercing +81
Poison Piercing +81
Drop Hew:
- Stage 10: City Council x2 (20%)
- Training Fight: City Council x2 (20%)

Death Sentence[]

S2 Death Sentence Death Sentence Level 22 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €465
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Death Sentence Image
Speed +66
Strength +152
Vitality +66
Drop Hew:
- Stage 14 (Boss): Guardian Cannon, Mayor (20%)

Enforcer Rifle[]

S2 Enforcer Rifle Enforcer Rifle Level 25 Two-Handed Arms Buy: €3750 Sell: €563
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Enforcer Rifle Image
Instinct +55
Speed +55
Strength +82
Vitality +82
Item store - Il Sanctus

Platinum Baton[]

S2 Platinum Baton Platinum Baton Level 25 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €563
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Platinum Baton Image
Speed +28
Strength +191
Vitality +55
Drop Il Sanctus:
- Stage 1: Metal Warden (100%)

Temporal Blade[]

S2 Temporal Blade Temporal Blade Level 26 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €597
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Temporal Blade Image
Speed +15
Instinct +30
Strength +191
Vitality +59
Drop Il Sanctus:
- Stage 3: Nostalgia (100%)

Flame Katana[]

Flame Katana Sonny 2 1 Flame Katana Level 28 Two-Handed Arms Sell: €667
Attributes How to Obtain
S2 Flame Katana Image
Speed +101
Strength +134
Vitality +101
Fire Piercing +161
Drop Sho'Tul Shelf:
- Stage 3: Yosuke (100%)

