Sonny Wiki
โ€œ From a scientific perspective, if one had to choose a place to construct a super weapon... I suppose this place is as good as any. โ€ž
~ Dr Herregods
The Red Pillars
Sonny2017-chapter9 tnChapter ThumbnailSonny2017-HubTheRedPillarsHub background.
Chapter Chapter 8: Finale
Game Sonny (2017)
Level 24
Type Story Zone
Previous Zone ZPCI Stronghold
Zone Boss Carbon

The Red Pillars is Zone 8 in Sonny (2017). It appears in Chapter 8: Finale. It is assumed to be the location where humanity originally started.



The Red Pillars's Zone level is 24. Just like the previous zone, ZPCI Stronghold, abilities here have varying elements. This zone is also the first and only one that features enemies with elemental defense.


There are 13 fight stages in this zone. Each fight stage has a 25% chance of dropping a common rarity item, if not mentioned otherwise.

Min Sonny Level: 24Stage 1 - Normal - Level 24
Wave 1 - Level 24 Spartan
Wave 2 - Level 24 Spartan Firespitter Firespitter

Min Sonny Level: 24Stage 2 - Normal - Level 24
Wave 1 - Level 24 Naga
Wave 2 - Level 24 Naga Spartan Firespitter

Min Sonny Level: 25Stage 3 - Normal - Level 25
Wave 1 - Level 25 Warlock
Wave 2 - Level 25 Warlock Firespitter Firespitter

Min Sonny Level: 25Stage 4 - Miniboss - Level 25
Wave 1 - Level 25 Apollo Artemis
Details: Apollo & Artemis is a boss type enemy. Common rarity item drops disabled.

Min Sonny Level: 26Stage 5 - Normal - Level 25
Wave 1 - Level 25 Warlock Warlock

Min Sonny Level: 26Stage 6 - Normal - Level 25
Wave 1 - Level 25 Naga Spartan
Wave 2 - Level 25 Warlock Spartan

Min Sonny Level: 26Stage 7 - Normal - Level 25
Wave 1 - Level 25 Naga Warlock
Wave 2 - Level 26 Spartan Spartan

Min Sonny Level: 26Stage 8 - Miniboss - Level 26
Wave 1 - Level 26 Avatar of Order
Wave 2 - Level 26 Avatar of Justice
Wave 3 - Level 26 Avatar of Freedom
Rare drop: Sonny2017-RareAccessoryEyeOfPurity - Eye of Purity
Details: All the Avatars are normal type enemies. Common rarity item drops disabled.

Min Sonny Level: 26Stage 9 - Normal - Level 26
Wave 1 - Level 26 Naga Naga
Wave 2 - Level 26 Boom Bot Warlock Boom Bot

Min Sonny Level: 27Stage 10 - Normal - Level 26
Wave 1 - Level 26 Naga Warlock
Wave 2 - Level 26 Spartan Warlock Spartan

Min Sonny Level: 27Stage 11 - Normal - Level 28
Wave 1 - Level 28 Naga Warlock Spartan

Min Sonny Level: 27Stage 12 - Miniboss - Level 28
Wave 1 - Level 28 Carbon (Variant 1)
Details: Carbon (Variant 1) is a boss type enemy. Common rarity item drops disabled.

Min Sonny Level: 27Stage 13 - Boss - Level 28
Wave 1 - Level 28 Carbon (Variant 2)
Rare drop: Sonny2017-RareWeaponAstralJustice - Astral Justice
Details: Common rarity item drops disabled.


There are 5 training stages, of which one is randomly selected each time the player enters training. Each fight stage has a 30% chance of dropping a common rarity item.

Min Sonny Level: 24Stage Training - Normal - Level 22 ~ 30
Wave 1 - Level 22 ~ 30 Spartan Warlock

Min Sonny Level: 24Stage Training - Normal - Level 22 ~ 30
Wave 1 - Level 22 ~ 30 Spartan Naga

Min Sonny Level: 24Stage Training - Normal - Level 22 ~ 30
Wave 1 - Level 22 ~ 30 Warlock Naga

Min Sonny Level: 24Stage Training - Normal - Level 22 ~ 30
Wave 1 - Level 22 ~ 30 Spartan Spartan

Min Sonny Level: 24Stage Training - Normal - Level 22 ~ 30
Wave 1 - Level 22 ~ 30 Naga Naga Naga



There are 16 items available in the shop.

To see more details about a specific item, click on the links to the item pages on the top of the table.

Weapon Head Body Accessory
Buy: $1280
Initial Sell: $640
Initial Upgrade: $256
Squad Gun
Lvl 25 Weapon
Power: 342
Speed: 171
Vitality: 171
Fire Pow.: 10%
Buy: $685
Initial Sell: $342
Initial Upgrade: $137
Savior Helmet
Lvl 25 Head
Power: 183
Defense: 114
Speed: 69
Vitality: 92
Buy: $1020
Initial Sell: $510
Initial Upgrade: $204
Battle Gear
Lvl 25 Body
Power: 205
Defense: 274
Speed: 103
Vitality: 103
Buy: $425
Initial Sell: $212
Initial Upgrade: $85
Bio Essence
Lvl 25 Accessory
Power: 86
Defense: 57
Speed: 86
Vitality: 57
Buy: $1280
Initial Sell: $640
Initial Upgrade: $256
Plague Harpoon
Lvl 25 Weapon
Power: 769
Nature Pow.: 10%
Buy: $685
Initial Sell: $342
Initial Upgrade: $137
Oxygen Mask
Lvl 25 Head
Vitality: 410
Fire Def.: 15%
Buy: $1020
Initial Sell: $510
Initial Upgrade: $204
Bulwark of War
Lvl 25 Body
Power: 478
Defense: 205
Buy: $425
Initial Sell: $212
Initial Upgrade: $85
Volcanic Ring
Lvl 25 Accessory
Power: 114
Vitality: 143
Fire Pow.: 15%
Buy: $1600
Initial Sell: $800
Initial Upgrade: $320
Pulse Katana
Lvl 25 Weapon
Power: 641
Speed: 321
Lightning Pow.: 10%
Buy: $855
Initial Sell: $428
Initial Upgrade: $171
Aimer Scope
Lvl 25 Head
Speed: 228
Vitality: 285
Hit. Bonus: 10%
Buy: $1280
Initial Sell: $640
Initial Upgrade: $256
Aegis of Ares
Lvl 25 Body
Defense: 513
Vitality: 342
Buy: $535
Initial Sell: $268
Initial Upgrade: $107
Immortal Capsule
Lvl 25 Accessory
Defense: 249
Speed: 107
Shadow Def.: 10%
Buy: $1600
Initial Sell: $800
Initial Upgrade: $320
Blood Shard
Lvl 25 Weapon
Power: 427
Speed: 214
Crit. Chance: 20%
Buy: $855
Initial Sell: $428
Initial Upgrade: $171
Guardian Crown
Lvl 25 Head
Power: 228
Defense: 342
Physical Def.: 10%
Buy: $1280
Initial Sell: $640
Initial Upgrade: $256
Aegis of Hermes
Lvl 25 Body
Power: 513
Speed: 342
Buy: $535
Initial Sell: $268
Initial Upgrade: $107
Oracle Orb
Lvl 25 Accessory
Power: 143
Speed: 214
Crit. Chance: 5%


There's 5 common rarity item drops and 2 rare rarity item drop, of which the latter is dropped from the miniboss fight against the Avatar Council (Avatar of Order, Avatar of Justice & Avatar of Freedom, and from the zone boss fight against Carbon (Variant 2).

To see more details about a specific item, click on the links to the item pages on the top of the table.

Weapon Head Body Accessory

Initial Sell: $515 ~ $875
Initial Upgrade: $206 ~ $350
Roman Harpoon
Lvl 22 ~ 30 Weapon
Power: 617 ~ 1052
Shadow Pow.: 10%

Initial Sell: $275 ~ $468
Initial Upgrade: $110 ~ $187
Iron Crown
Lvl 22 ~ 30 Head
Power: 147 ~ 250
Defense: 74 ~ 125
Speed: 74 ~ 125
Vitality: 74 ~ 125

Initial Sell: $412 ~ $700
Initial Upgrade: $165 ~ $280
Aegis of Olympus
Lvl 22 ~ 30 Body
Power: 165 ~ 281
Defense: 165 ~ 281
Speed: 110 ~ 187
Vitality: 110 ~ 187

Initial Sell: $172 ~ $292
Initial Upgrade: $69 ~ $117
Orb of Life
Lvl 22 ~ 30 Accessory
Defense: 160 ~ 273
Shadow Def.: 30%

Initial Sell: $412 ~ $700
Initial Upgrade: $165 ~ $280
Iron Mail
Lvl 22 ~ 30 Body
Power: 220 ~ 374
Defense: 330 ~ 561

Initial Sell: $895
Initial Upgrade: $358
Astral Justice
Lvl 25 Weapon
Power: 956
Defense: 239
Basic strikes have 15% chance to grant Haste.

Initial Sell: $298
Initial Upgrade: $119
Eye of Purity
Lvl 22 Accessory
Power: 128
Speed: 96
Vitality: 64
Physical Pow.: 10%



See Also[]
