The Hidden Forest is Zone 4 in Sonny (2017), appearing in Chapter 4: The Hidden Forest. It is the base of a cult worshipping the Frozen God, spearheaded by Templar Arcanis. It is also the home of Zakk, a witch-hunter whose family and friends were brainwashed by the words of Arcanis.
The Hidden Forest's Zone level is 13. Most enemies uses Frost attacks, which also tend to apply some sort of crowd control on the party. The enemies that don't rely on crowd control has access to abilities that gives them a large damage boost under a certain condition instead.
There are 11 fight stages in this zone. Each fight stage has a 25% chance of dropping a common rarity item, if not mentioned otherwise.
Mana Orb is a normal type enemy. Common rarity item drops disabled.
There are 4 training stages, of which one is randomly selected each time the player enters training. Each fight stage has a 30% chance of dropping a common rarity item.
Min Sonny Level: 13
Stage Training - Normal - Level 11 ~ 17
Wave 1 - Level 11 ~ 17
Frost Hunter
Frost Mage
Frost Hunter
Min Sonny Level: 13
Stage Training - Normal - Level 11 ~ 17
Wave 1 - Level 11 ~ 17
Frost Wolf
Frost Wolf
Min Sonny Level: 13
Stage Training - Normal - Level 11 ~ 17
Wave 1 - Level 11 ~ 17
Frost Wolf
Mad Priest
Frost Wolf
Min Sonny Level: 13
Stage Training - Normal - Level 11 ~ 17
Wave 1 - Level 11 ~ 17
Frost Hunter
Frost Hunter
Frost Hunter
The shop sells snow-related items and a few misc items. There are 12 items available in the shop.
To see more details about a specific item, click on the links to the item pages on the top of the table.
There's 5 common rarity item drops and 2 rare rarity item drop, of which the latter is dropped from the miniboss fight against the Inquisitor Leon, and from the zone boss fight against Templar Arcanis. 4 common rarity items are already equipped on Zakk, and can be accessed when Zakk joins the party.
To see more details about a specific item, click on the links to the item pages on the top of the table.