Sonny Wiki
โ€œ I don't WANT to kill you, but I just don't see any other way out of this. Alright? โ€ž
~ Sonny to Suit Zombie
Suit Zombie
Suit zombieSuit Zombie in Patient Zero.
Level 1, 4 ~ 5 (Legend)
Race Zombie
Zone Patient Zero
- Stage 1/Wave 2
- Stage 4/Wave 1
The Silver Strand
- Stage 1/Wave 1
- Stage 2/Wave 3
- Stage 4/Wave 1
- Stage 7/Wave 1
Allies Walker
Acid Zombie
Yoga Zombie

Suit Zombie is a Normal enemy unit in Sonny (2017). They're encountered in Patient Zero and The Silver Strand.


Attribute Notes:

  • Values in bold can be encountered in a Legend run (no training), no bold means that these values are only available in training fights.
    • Italic values cannot be encountered in training despite being coded in the game due to Sonny's level being +1 higher than the zone level when entering a new zone, on a legend run.
  • Buffs cannot reduce Power/Defense/Speed below 1. This also applies to Vitality but it normally cannot be modified in battle.
    • For Defense specifically, this means that the Damage taken Mod becomes ~200% while both breached and exposed. See this this page for more info.
  • Visible Power/Defense/Speed is rounded to nearest integer. If the actual value ends exactly in ".5", then it will be rounded to nearest even integer. Visible (Max) HP is rounded up.
  • Abilities can also have Hit./Crit. Bonuses, which are listed under the Abilities section.
  • Only Physical Defense is shown because the other elemental defenses are not used at all on units. They can still get non-physical elemental defense from certain abilities.
Base Mod Lvl 1 Lvl 4 Lvl 5
Power 0 0.5 1540.7854.3
Defense 0 1 3081.57108.59
Speed 0 0.8 2465.2586.87
Vitality 0 0.25 7.520.3927.15
Max HP from Vitality (7*Vitality) 52.5142.74190.04
Visible Max HP from Vitality 53143191
Visible Power 154054
Visible Defense 3082108
Visible Speed 246587
Damage Taken Mod from Defense 77.378%
... while Breached (-50% Defense)137.5%
... while Exposed (-75% Defense)168.75%
Hit. Bonus 0%
Crit. Chance 15%
Stun Resist 0%
Focus Drain Resist 0%
Physical Defense 0%


Shadow Strike
Basic Attack
Hit. Bonus
Crit. Bonus
100% Power
Starting Cooldown
A.I. Score Mod
A.I. Score Bonus
A.I. HP Threshold

A.I. Ability Order[]

A.I. Notes:

  • The A.I. prefers to use the topmost item in the left list, which is ranked according to the abilities' total scaling and A.I. score bonuses. For attacks specifically, their cooldown also plays a part in the rankings (the longer the cooldown, the higher it goes).
    • When an ability's Max HP Threshold condition is met and it's off cooldown, then that ability is added to the left list, in most cases to the top.
    • If an ability cannot be used due to being on cooldown, incl. silences, then the A.I. moves down the list to the next ability. If no abilities are available, then the A.I. skips their turn.
    • The A.I. will also not use healing abilities with 100% HP Threshold if all their teammates have full HP.
  • The A.I. does have a chance of not following the list and instead picking a random ability. The chance depends on it's A.I. type and the difference in total scaling & A.I. Score Bonuses.
  • It might also pick a different ability if the valid target(s) has:
    • Increased elemental defense against an element one of their available abilities has.
    • High Defense and the A.I. has access to an ability that deals piercing damage.
  • The A.I. prefers targeting units with low HP% (both attacks & heals) and a high Damage Taken Mod (only attacks). Buffs that increases damage/healing taken also affect the targeting priority.
  • Again, the A.I. has a chance of targeting a random unit instead. The chance depends on it's A.I. type, the difference in HP% & difference in Damage Taken Mod.
A.I. Type This unit has the A.I. type "Normal". They tend to follow the list and targeting priority, but can sometimes switch it up with a random ability or target.
Phases Ability Preference List HP Threshold Abilities Passive Abilities
Phase 1 - Shadow Strike


Compared to the Walker, Suit Zombies are faster and have higher HP but doesn't hit as hard. Overall they're more dangerous than the Walker, but still easy to kill as their HP is very low compared to most other enemies.


  • This enemy is the first one players will encounter on The Silver Strand, assuming they're doing a Legend run.
  • They're one of the few enemies which has exactly one dialogue line.
    • The line is "Mmmmgghr!" (a groan).

See Also[]
