Here are the rules for this wiki. By editing here, you adhere to following these rules.
Main Rules
- Follow FANDOM's Terms of Use.
- Do not post any content that is Not Safe for Work whatsoever.
- Do not harass other members. It is fine to debate/argue with other members about the viability of an ability or how hard a boss is, as long as the discussion is civilized.
- Assume good faith with other users.
- Do not spam anywhere.
- Do not advertise or self-promote something excessively. Projects about Sonny are allowed (such as discoveries or guides) but anything major should be checked by an active staff member before posting.
Editing Rules
- Do not vandalize pages.
- Vandalism is defined as disrupting a page by either removing content or adding content that is misinformation done in bad faith. More information about Vandalism can be read here.
- When editing, write in American English. American English is more known than British English and its spelling of certain words are more common.
- Commenting or writing outside of editing in British English is fine, however.
- When writing pages, especially within the Tactics section, try to keep the content analytical.