Master Strike Animation.
Master Strike is an active ability in Sonny.
In-Game Description[]
A strong and accurate attack that has a higher chance of critically hitting. Scales with 70% of your Speed.
Deals damage to a target.
- Tier 1: Damages target with caster's 110% Strength and 80% Speed. Increases critical chance by 20% +30.
- Tier 2: Damages target with caster's 130% Strength and 90% Speed. Increases critical chance by 20% +35.
- Tier 3: Damages target with caster's 140% Strength and 100% Speed. Increases critical chance by 20% +40.
- Tier 4: Damages target with caster's 150% Strength and 110% Speed. Increases critical chance by 20% +45.
- Tier 5: Damages target with caster's 160% Strength and 120% Speed. Increases critical chance by 20% +50.
In Sonny, this is one of the few abilities that deal damage based on the user's Speed. Thus, Assassin players will benefit the most in using this ability. This attack delivers fairly large amount of damage if used by the melee based classes, and because it can be equipped twice the player will have ample attempts to use this ability against enemies.
The only problem with the attack is that it is only beneficial for Assassins as the other classes would be too slow to benefit from the speed scaling.
Other characters who use this ability[]
- Amber - Tier 5
- The in-game description is wrong about how this ability scales with Speed.
- There are a number of skills that look identical to Master Strike: