Sonny Wiki
Sonny Wiki

A Legend run is a type of run where no training fights are used and no boss has been refought. The term first appeared within Sonny 2 as the name of an achievement, which requires the player to defeat the Mayor without the use of training fights within the Heroic difficulty.

Sonny 2[]

Within Sonny 2, a Legend run is required to access the last area within the game - Sho'Tul Shelf while also on the Heroic difficulty. Despite this, training fights after unlocking Il Sanctus are allowed.

Sonny (2017)[]

Within Sonny (2017), a Legend run is easier to identify, as a save file would have a star above it. A Legend run lasts until the defeat of Carbon. The game congratulates the player for beating the game without training fights. Despite this, a completed save file can lose its star if a training fight is used even after the credits.

Sonny Legacy Collection[]

Sonny 2's Legend and All Star achievement returns in the Sonny Legacy Collection, with the requirement being the same as the original Flash game.

With the introduction of achievements for Sonny, the Champion of Gadi'Kala achievement requires the player to defeat Galiant the Paladin without repeating battles or using training fights. Unlike the other games, the player cannot respec.


  • It is possible to do a Legend run in the original version of Sonny, despite the term not being used at all within the game.
    • Furthermore, it is possible to achieve a Legend run with every class in the game.
  • Despite congratulating the player, a Legend run is not required to get all achievements in Sonny (2017).

