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Sonny Wiki

Head is an equipment type in Sonny (2017). These have a multiplier of 0.8 to their stats and prices. There is a total of 42 Head equipment in the game, of which there are:

  • 30 Common
  • 11 Uncommon
  • 1 Rare


  • When Common items drop, their level is set to the fight's Stage level
  • Item levels marked in Bold can be obtained in a legend run.
  • Item levels marken in Italic can normally not be obtained in normal gameplay, despite being able to drop according to the game code
    • This only applies to Common drop items, specifically when Sonny is training at the same level as the Zone level, which produces the lowest drop levels of that zone. It happens because for some zones, Sonny's level is 1 higher than it's Zone level, resulting in training fights which drop items with a level higher than the lowest drop level.
    • This occurs in Zone 2 and Zone 5.

Head Items in Sonny (2017)[]

Sunglasses Sunglasses - Common Head Shop - Patient Zero
Attribute Mod Lvl 3
Power 0.3 6
Speed 0.7 14
Buy Price $30
Sell Price (0/5) $15
(1/5) $18
(2/5) $24
(3/5) $33
(4/5) $45
(5/5) $60
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $6
(2/5) $12
(3/5) $18
(4/5) $24
(5/5) $30

Scouthelm Scout Helm - Common Head Shop - The Silver Strand
Attribute Mod Lvl 5
Defense 0.6 21
Speed 0.2 7
Vitality 0.2 7
Buy Price $50
Sell Price (0/5) $25
(1/5) $30
(2/5) $40
(3/5) $55
(4/5) $75
(5/5) $100
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $10
(2/5) $20
(3/5) $30
(4/5) $40
(5/5) $50

Fighterhelm Fighter Helm - Common Head Shop - The Silver Strand
Attribute Mod Lvl 7
Power 0.6 34
Speed 0.15 9
Vitality 0.25 15
Buy Price $85
Sell Price (0/5) $42
(1/5) $51
(2/5) $68
(3/5) $94
(4/5) $128
(5/5) $170
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $17
(2/5) $34
(3/5) $51
(4/5) $68
(5/5) $85

Sonny2017-CommonHeadCombatHelm Combat Helm - Common Head Drop - The Silver Strand
Attribute Mod Lvl 2 Lvl 3 Lvl 4 Lvl 5 Lvl 6 Lvl 7 Lvl 8 Lvl 9
Power 0.6 9 12 16 21 27 34 42 50
Defense 0.2 3 4 6 7 9 12 14 17
Speed 0.2 3 4 6 7 9 12 14 17
Sell Price (0/5) $10 $15 $20 $25 $32 $42 $52 $62
(1/5) $12 $18 $24 $30 $39 $51 $63 $75
(2/5) $16 $24 $32 $40 $52 $68 $84 $100
(3/5) $22 $33 $44 $55 $72 $94 $116 $138
(4/5) $30 $45 $60 $75 $98 $128 $158 $188
(5/5) $40 $60 $80 $100 $130 $170 $210 $250
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $4 $6 $8 $10 $13 $17 $21 $25
(2/5) $8
(3/5) $12
(4/5) $16
(5/5) $20

Sonny2017-CommonHeadGreenHelm Green Helm - Common Head Drop - The Silver Strand
Attribute Mod Lvl 2 Lvl 3 Lvl 4 Lvl 5 Lvl 6 Lvl 7 Lvl 8 Lvl 9
Defense 0.6 9 12 16 21 27 34 42 50
Speed 0.2 3 4 6 7 9 12 14 17
Vitality 0.2 3 4 6 7 9 12 14 17
Sell Price (0/5) $10 $15 $20 $25 $32 $42 $52 $62
(1/5) $12 $18 $24 $30 $39 $51 $63 $75
(2/5) $16 $24 $32 $40 $52 $68 $84 $100
(3/5) $22 $33 $44 $55 $72 $94 $116 $138
(4/5) $30 $45 $60 $75 $98 $128 $158 $188
(5/5) $40 $60 $80 $100 $130 $170 $210 $250
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $4 $6 $8 $10 $13 $17 $21 $25
(2/5) $8
(3/5) $12
(4/5) $16
(5/5) $20

Sonny2017-CommonHeadInfectAidHelm InfectAid Helm - Common Head Starts on Veradux
Attribute Mod Lvl 4
Speed 0.2 6
Vitality 0.8 21
Sell Price (0/5) $20
(1/5) $24
(2/5) $32
(3/5) $44
(4/5) $60
(5/5) $80
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $8
(2/5) $16
(3/5) $24
(4/5) $32
(5/5) $40

Gas mask Gas Mask - Common Head Shop - Tera Jungle
Attribute Mod Lvl 9
Defense 0.4 34
Speed 0.2 17
Vitality 0.3 25
Nature Def. 15%
Buy Price $125
Sell Price (0/5) $62
(1/5) $75
(2/5) $100
(3/5) $138
(4/5) $188
(5/5) $250
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $25
(2/5) $50
(3/5) $75
(4/5) $100
(5/5) $125

Sonny2017-CommonHeadMustardMask Mustard Mask - Common Head Drop - Tera Jungle
Attribute Mod Lvl 4 Lvl 5 Lvl 6 Lvl 7 Lvl 8 Lvl 9 Lvl 10 Lvl 11
Defense 0.6 16 21 27 34 42 50 59 69
Speed 0.2 6 7 9 12 14 17 20 23
Vitality 0.2 6 7 9 12 14 17 20 23
Nature Def. 25%
Sell Price (0/5) $20 $25 $32 $42 $52 $62 $72 $85
(1/5) $24 $30 $39 $51 $63 $75 $87 $102
(2/5) $32 $40 $52 $68 $84 $100 $116 $136
(3/5) $44 $55 $72 $94 $116 $138 $160 $187
(4/5) $60 $75 $98 $128 $158 $188 $218 $255
(5/5) $80 $100 $130 $170 $210 $250 $290 $340
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $8 $10 $13 $17 $21 $25 $29 $34
(2/5) $16
(3/5) $24
(4/5) $32
(5/5) $40

Sonny2017-CommonHeadSunblockers Sunblockers - Common Head Starts on Dr Herregods
Attribute Mod Lvl 6
Speed 0.5 23
Vitality 0.5 23
Hit. Bonus 25%
Sell Price (0/5) $32
(1/5) $39
(2/5) $52
(3/5) $72
(4/5) $98
(5/5) $130
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $13
(2/5) $26
(3/5) $39
(4/5) $52
(5/5) $65

Explorer's hat Explorer's Hat - Uncommon Head Shop - Tera Jungle
Attribute Mod Lvl 9
Power 0.3 32
Speed 0.7 73
Buy Price $155
Sell Price (0/5) $78
(1/5) $93
(2/5) $124
(3/5) $170
(4/5) $232
(5/5) $310
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $31
(2/5) $62
(3/5) $93
(4/5) $124
(5/5) $155

Sonny2017-CommonHeadBlazeBand Blaze Band - Common Head Shop - Firewell Factory
Attribute Mod Lvl 10
Power 0.4 40
Speed 0.6 59
Buy Price $145
Sell Price (0/5) $72
(1/5) $87
(2/5) $116
(3/5) $160
(4/5) $218
(5/5) $290
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $29
(2/5) $58
(3/5) $87
(4/5) $116
(5/5) $145

Sonny2017-CommonHeadRogueScarf Rogue Scarf - Common Head Shop - Firewell Factory
Attribute Mod Lvl 12
Speed 0.7 93
Vitality 0.3 40
Buy Price $200
Sell Price (0/5) $100
(1/5) $120
(2/5) $160
(3/5) $220
(4/5) $300
(5/5) $400
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $40
(2/5) $80
(3/5) $120
(4/5) $160
(5/5) $200

Sonny2017-CommonHeadInfectAidHelm Granite Helm - Common Head Drop - Firewell Factory
Attribute Mod Lvl 8 Lvl 9 Lvl 10 Lvl 11 Lvl 12 Lvl 13 Lvl 14 Lvl 15
Defense 0.6 42 50 59 69 80 91 103 115
Speed 0.2 14 17 20 23 27 31 35 39
Vitality 0.2 14 17 20 23 27 31 35 39
Fire Def. 10%
Sell Price (0/5) $52 $62 $72 $85 $100 $112 $128 $142
(1/5) $63 $75 $87 $102 $120 $135 $153 $171
(2/5) $84 $100 $116 $136 $160 $180 $204 $228
(3/5) $116 $138 $160 $187 $220 $248 $280 $314
(4/5) $158 $188 $218 $255 $300 $338 $382 $428
(5/5) $210 $250 $290 $340 $400 $450 $510 $570
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $21 $25 $29 $34 $40 $45 $51 $57
(2/5) $42
(3/5) $63
(4/5) $84
(5/5) $105

Sonny2017-CommonHeadScoutHeadset Scout Headset - Common Head Starts on Kara
Attribute Mod Lvl 10
Defense 0.4 40
Speed 0.3 30
Vitality 0.3 30
Sell Price (0/5) $72
(1/5) $87
(2/5) $116
(3/5) $160
(4/5) $218
(5/5) $290
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $29
(2/5) $58
(3/5) $87
(4/5) $116
(5/5) $145

Sonny2017-UncommonHeadImpactHelm Impact Helm - Uncommon Head Shop - Firewell Factory
Attribute Mod Lvl 12
Power 0.5 83
Vitality 0.3 50
Fire Def. 20%
Buy Price $250
Sell Price (0/5) $125
(1/5) $150
(2/5) $200
(3/5) $275
(4/5) $375
(5/5) $500
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $50
(2/5) $100
(3/5) $150
(4/5) $200
(5/5) $250

Sonny2017-CommonHeadSteelCasque Steel Casque - Common Head Shop - The Hidden Forest
Attribute Mod Lvl 13
Defense 0.8 121
Vitality 0.2 31
Buy Price $225
Sell Price (0/5) $112
(1/5) $135
(2/5) $180
(3/5) $248
(4/5) $338
(5/5) $450
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $45
(2/5) $90
(3/5) $135
(4/5) $180
(5/5) $225

Sonny2017-CommonHeadHuntingScarf Hunting Scarf - Common Head Shop - The Hidden Forest
Attribute Mod Lvl 15
Power 0.7 134
Speed 0.3 58
Buy Price $285
Sell Price (0/5) $142
(1/5) $171
(2/5) $228
(3/5) $314
(4/5) $428
(5/5) $570
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $57
(2/5) $114
(3/5) $171
(4/5) $228
(5/5) $285

Sonny2017-CommonHeadWinterHood Winter Hood - Common Head Drop - The Hidden Forest
Attribute Mod Lvl 11 Lvl 12 Lvl 13 Lvl 14 Lvl 15 Lvl 16 Lvl 17
Defense 0.6 69 80 91 103 115 128 142
Speed 0.2 23 27 31 35 39 43 48
Vitality 0.2 23 27 31 35 39 43 48
Frost Def. 20%
Sell Price (0/5) $85 $100 $112 $128 $142 $160 $178
(1/5) $102 $120 $135 $153 $171 $192 $213
(2/5) $136 $160 $180 $204 $228 $256 $284
(3/5) $187 $220 $248 $280 $314 $352 $390
(4/5) $255 $300 $338 $382 $428 $480 $532
(5/5) $340 $400 $450 $510 $570 $640 $710
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $34 $40 $45 $51 $57 $64 $71
(2/5) $68
(3/5) $102
(4/5) $136
(5/5) $170

Sonny2017-CommonHeadWinterScarf Winter Scarf - Common Head Drop - The Hidden Forest
Attribute Mod Lvl 11 Lvl 12 Lvl 13 Lvl 14 Lvl 15 Lvl 16 Lvl 17
Power 0.6 69 80 91 103 115 128 142
Speed 0.4 46 53 61 69 77 86 95
Frost Def. 20%
Sell Price (0/5) $85 $100 $112 $128 $142 $160 $178
(1/5) $102 $120 $135 $153 $171 $192 $213
(2/5) $136 $160 $180 $204 $228 $256 $284
(3/5) $187 $220 $248 $280 $314 $352 $390
(4/5) $255 $300 $338 $382 $428 $480 $532
(5/5) $340 $400 $450 $510 $570 $640 $710
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $34 $40 $45 $51 $57 $64 $71
(2/5) $68
(3/5) $102
(4/5) $136
(5/5) $170

Sonny2017-CommonHeadZakksHat Zakk's Hat - Common Head Starts on Zakk
Attribute Mod Lvl 13
Power 0.2 31
Speed 0.3 46
Vitality 0.5 76
Sell Price (0/5) $112
(1/5) $135
(2/5) $180
(3/5) $248
(4/5) $338
(5/5) $450
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $45
(2/5) $90
(3/5) $135
(4/5) $180
(5/5) $225

Sonny2017-UncommonHeadOdinsGaze Odin's Gaze - Uncommon Head Shop - The Hidden Forest
Attribute Mod Lvl 15
Power 0.45 108
Defense 0.55 132
Buy Price $360
Sell Price (0/5) $180
(1/5) $216
(2/5) $288
(3/5) $396
(4/5) $540
(5/5) $720
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $72
(2/5) $144
(3/5) $216
(4/5) $288
(5/5) $360

Sonny2017-RareHeadMysticHood Mystic Hood - Rare Head Drop - The Hidden Forest Miniboss Stage
Attribute Mod Lvl 15
Power 0.4 107
Vitality 0.5 134
Shadow Pow. 15%
Sell Price (0/5) $200
(1/5) $240
(2/5) $320
(3/5) $440
(4/5) $600
(5/5) $800
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $80
(2/5) $160
(3/5) $240
(4/5) $320
(5/5) $400

Sonny2017-CommonHeadAndriodSkull Andriod Skull - Common Head Shop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 16
Power 0.55 118
Defense 0.45 96
Buy Price $320
Sell Price (0/5) $160
(1/5) $192
(2/5) $256
(3/5) $352
(4/5) $480
(5/5) $640
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $64
(2/5) $128
(3/5) $192
(4/5) $256
(5/5) $320

Sonny2017-CommonHeadRiotHeadset Riot Headset - Common Head Shop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 17
Speed 0.55 130
Vitality 0.45 107
Buy Price $355
Sell Price (0/5) $178
(1/5) $213
(2/5) $284
(3/5) $390
(4/5) $532
(5/5) $710
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $71
(2/5) $142
(3/5) $213
(4/5) $284
(5/5) $355

Sonny2017-CommonHeadFocusVisor Focus Visor - Common Head Drop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 13 Lvl 14 Lvl 15 Lvl 16 Lvl 17 Lvl 18 Lvl 19 Lvl 20 Lvl 21
Power 0.35 53 60 67 75 83 91 100 109 119
Defense 0.5 76 86 96 107 118 130 143 156 169
Hit. Bonus 25%
Sell Price (0/5) $112 $128 $142 $160 $178 $195 $212 $232 $252
(1/5) $135 $153 $171 $192 $213 $234 $255 $279 $303
(2/5) $180 $204 $228 $256 $284 $312 $340 $372 $404
(3/5) $248 $280 $314 $352 $390 $429 $468 $512 $556
(4/5) $338 $382 $428 $480 $532 $585 $638 $698 $758
(5/5) $450 $510 $570 $640 $710 $780 $850 $930 $1010
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $45 $51 $57 $64 $71 $78 $85 $93 $101
(2/5) $90
(3/5) $135
(4/5) $180
(5/5) $225

Sonny2017-UncommonHeadPhaseVisor Phase Visor - Uncommon Head Shop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 17
Defense 0.2 59
Vitality 0.25 74
Hit. Bonus 50%
Buy Price $440
Sell Price (0/5) $220
(1/5) $264
(2/5) $352
(3/5) $484
(4/5) $660
(5/5) $880
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $88
(2/5) $176
(3/5) $264
(4/5) $352
(5/5) $440

Sonny2017-UncommonHeadCompositeCap Composite Cap - Uncommon Head Shop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 18
Defense 0.3 98
Vitality 0.7 228
Buy Price $490
Sell Price (0/5) $245
(1/5) $294
(2/5) $392
(3/5) $539
(4/5) $735
(5/5) $980
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $98
(2/5) $196
(3/5) $294
(4/5) $392
(5/5) $490

Sonny2017-CommonHeadFocusBand Focus Band - Common Head Shop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 20
Power 0.3 94
Speed 0.7 218
Buy Price $465
Sell Price (0/5) $232
(1/5) $279
(2/5) $372
(3/5) $512
(4/5) $698
(5/5) $930
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $93
(2/5) $186
(3/5) $279
(4/5) $372
(5/5) $465

Sonny2017-CommonHeadVoidHelm Void Helm - Common Head Shop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 21
Defense 0.65 220
Vitality 0.35 119
Buy Price $505
Sell Price (0/5) $252
(1/5) $303
(2/5) $404
(3/5) $556
(4/5) $758
(5/5) $1010
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $101
(2/5) $202
(3/5) $303
(4/5) $404
(5/5) $505

Sonny2017-CommonHeadPlagueMask Plague Mask - Common Head Drop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 17 Lvl 18 Lvl 19 Lvl 20 Lvl 21 Lvl 22 Lvl 23 Lvl 24
Power 0.7 166 182 200 218 237 256 277 298
Defense 0.3 71 78 86 94 102 110 119 128
Speed 0.2 48 52 57 63 68 74 79 85
Nature Pow. 20%
Sell Price (0/5) $178 $195 $212 $232 $252 $275 $295 $318
(1/5) $213 $234 $255 $279 $303 $330 $354 $381
(2/5) $284 $312 $340 $372 $404 $440 $472 $508
(3/5) $390 $429 $468 $512 $556 $605 $649 $698
(4/5) $532 $585 $638 $698 $758 $825 $885 $952
(5/5) $710 $780 $850 $930 $1010 $1100 $1180 $1270
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $71 $78 $85 $93 $101 $110 $118 $127
(2/5) $142
(3/5) $213
(4/5) $284
(5/5) $355

Sonny2017-UncommonHeadCorvidVeil Corvid Veil - Uncommon Head Shop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 22
Power 0.6 275
Defense 0.4 183
Buy Price $685
Sell Price (0/5) $342
(1/5) $411
(2/5) $548
(3/5) $754
(4/5) $1028
(5/5) $1370
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $137
(2/5) $274
(3/5) $411
(4/5) $548
(5/5) $685

Sonny2017-UncommonHeadPhantomMask Phantom Mask - Uncommon Head Shop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 22
Power 0.2 92
Speed 0.5 229
Vitality 0.3 138
Buy Price $685
Sell Price (0/5) $342
(1/5) $411
(2/5) $548
(3/5) $754
(4/5) $1028
(5/5) $1370
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $137
(2/5) $274
(3/5) $411
(4/5) $548
(5/5) $685

Sonny2017-CommonHeadZPCIScope ZPCI Scope - Common Head Shop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 23
Power 0.4 158
Defense 0.3 119
Speed 0.2 79
Hit. Bonus 15%
Buy Price $590
Sell Price (0/5) $295
(1/5) $354
(2/5) $472
(3/5) $649
(4/5) $885
(5/5) $1180
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $118
(2/5) $236
(3/5) $354
(4/5) $472
(5/5) $590

Sonny2017-CommonHeadAssaultHelm Assault Helm - Common Head Shop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 23
Power 0.3 119
Defense 0.5 198
Vitality 0.2 79
Buy Price $590
Sell Price (0/5) $295
(1/5) $354
(2/5) $472
(3/5) $649
(4/5) $885
(5/5) $1180
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $118
(2/5) $236
(3/5) $354
(4/5) $472
(5/5) $590

Sonny2017-CommonHeadStainlessHelm Stainless Helm - Common Head Drop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 20 Lvl 21 Lvl 22 Lvl 23 Lvl 24 Lvl 25 Lvl 26
Power 0.5 156 169 183 198 213 228 244
Defense 0.5 156 169 183 198 213 228 244
Sell Price (0/5) $232 $252 $275 $295 $318 $342 $365
(1/5) $279 $303 $330 $354 $381 $411 $438
(2/5) $372 $404 $440 $472 $508 $548 $584
(3/5) $512 $556 $605 $649 $698 $754 $803
(4/5) $698 $758 $825 $885 $952 $1028 $1095
(5/5) $930 $1010 $1100 $1180 $1270 $1370 $1460
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $93 $101 $110 $118 $127 $137 $146
(2/5) $186
(3/5) $279
(4/5) $372
(5/5) $465

Sonny2017-UncommonHeadCommandHeadset Command Headset - Uncommon Head Shop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 23
Power 0.35 173
Speed 0.65 321
Buy Price $740
Sell Price (0/5) $370
(1/5) $444
(2/5) $592
(3/5) $814
(4/5) $1110
(5/5) $1480
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $148
(2/5) $296
(3/5) $444
(4/5) $592
(5/5) $740

Sonny2017-UncommonHeadStrikerMask Striker Mask - Uncommon Head Shop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 24
Defense 0.2 107
Vitality 0.8 425
Buy Price $795
Sell Price (0/5) $398
(1/5) $477
(2/5) $636
(3/5) $874
(4/5) $1192
(5/5) $1590
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $159
(2/5) $318
(3/5) $477
(4/5) $636
(5/5) $795

Sonny2017-CommonHeadSaviorHelmet Savior Helmet - Common Head Shop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 25
Power 0.4 183
Defense 0.25 114
Speed 0.15 69
Vitality 0.2 92
Buy Price $685
Sell Price (0/5) $342
(1/5) $411
(2/5) $548
(3/5) $754
(4/5) $1028
(5/5) $1370
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $137
(2/5) $274
(3/5) $411
(4/5) $548
(5/5) $685

Sonny2017-CommonHeadOxygenMask Oxygen Mask - Common Head Shop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 25
Vitality 0.9 410
Fire Def. 15%
Buy Price $685
Sell Price (0/5) $342
(1/5) $411
(2/5) $548
(3/5) $754
(4/5) $1028
(5/5) $1370
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $137
(2/5) $274
(3/5) $411
(4/5) $548
(5/5) $685

Sonny2017-CommonHeadIronCrown Iron Crown - Common Head Drop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 22 Lvl 23 Lvl 24 Lvl 25 Lvl 26 Lvl 27 Lvl 28 Lvl 29 Lvl 30
Power 0.4 147 158 170 183 195 208 222 236 250
Defense 0.2 74 79 85 92 98 104 111 118 125
Speed 0.2 74 79 85 92 98 104 111 118 125
Vitality 0.2 74 79 85 92 98 104 111 118 125
Sell Price (0/5) $275 $295 $318 $342 $365 $390 $415 $440 $468
(1/5) $330 $354 $381 $411 $438 $468 $498 $528 $561
(2/5) $440 $472 $508 $548 $584 $624 $664 $704 $748
(3/5) $605 $649 $698 $754 $803 $858 $913 $968 $1028
(4/5) $825 $885 $952 $1028 $1095 $1170 $1245 $1320 $1402
(5/5) $1100 $1180 $1270 $1370 $1460 $1560 $1660 $1760 $1870
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $110 $118 $127 $137 $146 $156 $166 $176 $187
(2/5) $220
(3/5) $330
(4/5) $440
(5/5) $550

Sonny2017-UncommonHeadAimerScope Aimer Scope - Uncommon Head Shop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 25
Speed 0.4 228
Vitality 0.5 285
Hit. Bonus 10%
Buy Price $855
Sell Price (0/5) $428
(1/5) $513
(2/5) $684
(3/5) $940
(4/5) $1282
(5/5) $1710
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $171
(2/5) $342
(3/5) $513
(4/5) $684
(5/5) $855

Sonny2017-UncommonHeadGuardianCrown Guardian Crown - Uncommon Head Shop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 25
Power 0.4 228
Defense 0.6 342
Physical Def. 10%
Buy Price $855
Sell Price (0/5) $428
(1/5) $513
(2/5) $684
(3/5) $940
(4/5) $1282
(5/5) $1710
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $171
(2/5) $342
(3/5) $513
(4/5) $684
(5/5) $855


  • An item's buying price is always a multiple of 5, and at >$1000 it's always a multiple of 10.
  • This equipment type has the least amount of items of the Rare rarity, out of all item types.
    • Since it's initial upgrade price is a fifth of the buying price, the upgrade price of all item levels is always an integer.
  • Some Head items have misspelled names:
    • "Andriod Skull" --> "Android Skull" (A similar misspelling appears in Sonny 2, where "Android Armour" is misnamed "Andriod Armour".)