Sonny Wiki
Sonny Wiki

Gunslinger is one of the four classes that the player can choose from in the game Sonny. It is a magic-based class, specializing in spells and abilities. They are good healers too.


The attribute where the gunslinger class outshines all other classes is its magic. It is therefore best used to attack using abilities relying on the magic attribute to power themselves. They also have medium speed, resulting in accurate attacks and good evasion.

The main weakness of the Gunslinger class is its very low vitality attribute, which results in it having low amount of hit points. It also lacks potential in physical abilities, due to it having a poor amount of strength attribute in comparison to other classes.


11 Vitality + 0.9 per level

2 Strength + 0 per level

19 Magic + 1.9 per level

14 Speed + 1.4 per level

Notable Gunslingers[]

S1 C Catelin


After the end of the main story in the game Sonny, four characters are added to Sonny's team, all of whom start at level 12. No explanation is given as to how these characters came to join up with Sonny, since they are unrelated to the story, and they are not seen again in Sonny 2. One of these four characters is of the gunslinger class, and is named Catelin.

Gunslinger Equipment[]

There is some equipment in the game Sonny which can only be equipped by characters of the gunslinger class.

S1 Frost Lantern - Frost Lantern

S1 Power Lantern - Power Lantern

S1 Magic Lantern - Magic Lantern

S1 Gunslinger's Helm - Gunslinger's Helm

S1 Gunslinger's Armor - Gunslinger's Armor

S1 Gunslinger's Gloves - Gunslinger's Gloves

S1 Gunslinger's Leggings - Gunslinger's Leggings

S1 Gunslinger's Boots - Gunslinger's Boots
