- For glitches in Sonny (2017), see Glitches (Sonny 2017).
Glitches are unintentional effects that happen due to errors in a game's codes.
This page lists the glitches found in the latest version of Sonny and Sonny 2. Both of these games were made in Flash, and so shares some code with each other. Most glitches present in the first game was fixed in the sequel.
A.I. Glitches[]
There is a chance that an enemy will use a defensive ability even when the HP does not meet the requirement where it may choose to use a defensive ability. It is unknown why this happens, but it may be more common for enemies that have a self targeting defensive ability.
A similar glitch can occur with allies. Sometimes they cast (or refuse to) a defensive ability when it shouldn't be possible due to their mode, for example Veradux might not heal when he could and should.
Most A.I. units can't use Instant focus modifying abilities (Disrupt, Regulate, etc), regardless if they're coded as offensive, defensive or primary. Known exceptions are Mage, Priest, Baron Brixius, The Host, Clemons, The Hydra, Android Guard, Nostalgia, and North Guardian.
Occasionally units may appear to gain a second, empty turn. This is evidenced by buffs and debuffs ticking twice after the unit takes its turn. This lasts until the end of the battle. For some reason, it can happen when there are buffs on the target that reduce the speed by 100% or more, that is, when the target has 0 speed.
Bonus Attribute Glitch (Sonny 2)[]
Upon the first time someone respecs in Sonny 2, the player receives 19 additional Attribute Points.
While it isn't known what version of Sonny 2 introduced this glitch, it was kept for Sonny Legacy Collection.
Conversation Glitch[]
If a player with dialogue is not present in the battle, their dialogue box and all following ones will not appear, but the audio will still play. When the battle normally ends after dialogue, such as the battle against Roald, the audio may play over the non-battle background music.
In the case of Hew's 5th stage, the game softlocks if Veradux isn't there for his dialogue.
Ghost Unit Glitches[]
Occasionally, when a unit is killed, their appearence, health bar and/or target icon remains on screen but will be unselectable. This happens at the moment when the target with the morph buff dies at the same time as the beginning/end of the action of this buff. For example, when dying from damage-over-time, when there is one turn left on the morph buff before death (for example, these are more common on Mokoshotar's stage, when an ally has the werewolf buff and dies of damage over time when there is one turn left at the end of the werewolf buff), or when dispelling the morph buff (for example, The Magical Monkey can kill with Dux Electro and dispel Psychopath Form/Avenger Form/Guardian Form), or when dying from damage/heal by applying at the same time, the morph buff (this bug can be seen on the boss Clemons the Deceiver if he dies from the True Form ability, if he has subversion/retrograde on him).
Item Transfer Glitches[]
Arguably these are the most infamous glitches in the entire series. These allow the player to "feed" armor or weapons into a character, increasing their stats. There is a lesser known but powerful glitch that allows a character to wear class or level restricted equipment.
Item Feeding Glitch[]
- Picking up any item, going to a different menu screen and dropping it on the background deletes the item but transfers its stats to whichever character had their equipment screen open last. For Sonny, this is lost on respec, but it is permanent for allies. Pierce is kept on respec, though.
- This also applies to the world map (although icons are invisible there) and roaming mode (only when accessed via world map, as the menu close button returns the items) screens.
- In Sonny 2, it is impossible to do this glitch as a popup appears asking the player to put the item back in the inventory before accessing any other menu.
Item Transfer Glitch[]
- Any item dropped on the inventory background returns to the last-vacated item slot, even if an item is restricted by level or class.
- If the game is saved while holding an item, the item will be absent from the savefile.
- There is an invisible 37th inventory slot not accessible in-game. The first item bought or received as a drop when the inventory appears full will be sent and stuck there. After this, the slot will be occupied, blocking this glitch from happening again.
- If an item is brought to roaming mode and into battle, it will reappear on the cursor in the victory screen. If a drop ends up in the last-vacated slot, and the item is not placed into a vacant slot, it will overwrite the drop upon clicking the background or the Proceed button.
The majority of these glitches were fixed in Sonny 2. However, there is one obscure glitch in the game, where if an item is taken out of an equipment slot while the inventory is entirely full, it is possible to close the menu and access roaming mode with the item. It cannot be dropped on the background, and no menus except Inventory can be opened. Entering a battle causes the item to be lost.
Both versions of the glitch can be done on any version of Sonny. These glitches were also intentionally kept for Sonny Legacy Collection.
Save Data Copying (Sonny 2)[]
In Sonny 2, save data can be "copied" if you enter PvP mode and select the first save file then exit the mode right after. (Don't forget to re-spec and unequip anything Sonny has in order to keep those items. Does not affect teammates.) To "paste" the data, enter a new game. Make sure you have at least one party member active or you will lose instantly. The game saves your map progress but resets Sonny's equipment and stats except level and skills (You can use this to add skills to different classes). You can then add the skills back and put your equipment on Sonny, "copying" the original file to another one.
Note that copying a completed file from Easy to Heroic doesn't unlock Sho'Tul Shelf.
Saveless Slot Re-Load Glitch (Sonny)[]
In Sonny, when dying on a save slot that does not currently have a save (such as on the first stage, when the game hasn't had a chance to save yet, or when playing with autosaves off and never manually saving), upon clicking "< Click here to Re-Load >" the player is taken to an inaccessible zone. Quitting the game when the screen is fading out (at the end of a battle) may also cause this.
If you decide to do this glitch on Kongregate, the website thinks you completed all 4 achievements, and they will be given to you instantly.
In Sonny 2, this was patched by making the first battle impossible to lose due to Veradux's starting stats.
This glitch can be done on any version of Sonny. In Sonny Legacy Collection, the save file will be renamed to Lvl undefined undefined with every number in statstics reading as undefined.
Shield Glitches (Sonny 2)[]
If a target receives a shielding buff while they have a different (unbroken) shield active, the new buff will sometimes have no effect. In this case, the old shield buff will actually return as if it had never been broken. For example, if you break the Guardian Cannon's Robot Shield and then use Crystallize, the buff will once again shield it for 3000 damage. This bug can be make beating the North and South Guardians in Zone 7 very difficult.
Shields work against (originally) damaging abilities even if healing and damage are swapped on the unit (when Subversion or a similar buff is active) but damage received from heals bypass it.
Sound Effect Skip Glitch[]
When pressing Spacebar while a sound effect is playing, the sound completely cuts off. This includes ability sound effects and hurt/death sounds. This is probably due to how skipping dialogue works.
This glitch has been confirmed on the Flash version of the games and in both of the Sonny Legacy Collection games.
Stun Glitch[]
If two buffs that stun the target are active, with at least one lasting more than one turn, then the stunned target will apper to stand up after the first stun buff duration expires. This is purely visual, the affected unit is still unable act. After the second debuff runs off, the target will repeat the standing-up animation and continue as normal.
This glitch happens in every version of both games.
Suppression Glitch (Sonny)[]
This glitch occurs in Sonny when fighting against the bosses in Zone 4, The Infinity. If you choose to use Supression but then activate another attack (for example Electro Bolt), and then quickly activate Supression again at the exact moment the timer runs out, then this may result in Sonny activating the Supression skill twice. The following turns after the glitch, Sonny will use Supression every time after your attack, resulting in Sonny being almost invincible.
Supression reduces damage from incoming attacks by 70%. 2 times Supression equals 140% less damage received which translates to 1 damage each turn (as that is the lowest damage taken possible), making you virtually invincible.
If not done at the perfect timing this could result in Sonny having an extra turn, but he won't do anything during his additional turn (this can only be noticed if you are suffering turn-based damage, then Sonny will receive the damage two times, or if you have the passive skill Regeneration, as you will see that Sonny gets the Health and Focus regeneration twice after his turn).
Note: We haven't been able to reproduce this glitch.
Reset at End of Battle Glitch[]
Pressing CTRL + R as the screen fades to black after a battle ending will reset the game. Upon selecting any save file, Sonny will gain NaN EXP and NaN money. The player will also obtain 15 glitched items called undefined. While clicking on the items makes them invisible, they will be in the inventory.
Item feeding one of these items will give the character NaN stats. Going into battle with any character that "ate" the item will crash the game when they perform an action. On Sonny, he will be unable to attack, forcing the player to skip the turn but the game will crash. After crashing, there will be a message asking if the player wants to abort the script for the game, clicking yes will break the game, showing the characters doing every battle animation.
This glitch was patched in Sonny 2 as resetting when the battle ends just reverts the save file before the game was saved. Furthermore, even if it was possible to gain undefined items with this, the sequel patched the item feeding glitch, meaning it would be impossible to get NaN stats from this.
This glitch has to be done on a downloaded version of the game as CTRL + R resets the page the game is on, meaning this cannot be done on a website that hosts the game. Due to how the glitch uses a quirk of Flash Player, it is impossible to do on the Sonny Legacy Collection.
Targeting Glitch (Sonny 2)[]
Enemies will sometimes use abilities on units that should not be targetable by the given move. While this is usually beneficial, (as enemies damage themselves and buff the player) this can also happen with debuff skills such as Holy Scars. The game will softlock if a ranged ability misses on the caster or a melee attack is cast on an ally or self (the approaching animation bugs out, the caster either 'flies' off screen when targeting an ally or stays in position when targeting self, and the battle freezes afterwards). Certain stages and enemies have a higher chance to produce this than others (mainly the Baron and the Mayor, especially if you disable allies). AI characters that have abilities coded as 'priority' moves (the unit will use these skills whenever possible, phases exist because they can be set to only be available after a certain criteria is met) seem to be more prone to this. Also, this can happen on Baron stage before the end of the first phase, after 15 focus is reached (for example, if the allies are not in battle and Baron Brixius will use Deep Burning (to do this, he must have no more than 15 focus), then there is a chance that he will use abilities several turns in a row on himself, until the Baron moves to the next phase), then the bug is fixed on it, and then the baron correctly uses the abilities. Speed balance changes (especially when a team gets double turn beacause of it) also seem to have affect it, at least on some stages.
In some cases, A.I. units use a defensive ability on an inappropriate target. This can happen randomly but it seems to be more common when the enemy team has 3 members. For example, Knights only cast shield on their upper ally and not the weakest friendly unit.
Focus Glitches (Sonny 2)[]
In certain cases, silencing seems to affect AI behavior in abnormal ways, such as blocking the use of some abilities that cost no focus.
Unit Order Glitch[]
Occasionally, the order in which units are displayed is wrong, leading to characters attacking the middle enemy unit to pass behind the upper enemy unit.
Visual Glitches (Sonny 2)[]
- After a total health modifying buff/debuff expires, the gauge momentarily goes out of bounds.
- When a unit is hit while Retrograde or Subversion is active, sometimes the number retains its elemental color instead of appearing as healing.
- The shadow effect (that Shadow Blend and a few other abilities cast) doesn't disappear immidiately when it's dispelled. It remains until the affected unit gets hit, healed, or takes its turn.