Sonny Wiki

Demolish Animation Sonny 2 1

Demolish Animation.

Demolish is an active ability in Sonny 2.

In-Game Description[]

Attack the enemy for X% of your Strength. This attack scales with your current remaining Focus. You also have a X% chance to gain the 'Thrill of Destruction' effect.


Deals damage to the enemy multiplied by (0.7 + 0.7% Focus), and has a chance to grant a buff that increases the caster's Strength for 6 turns.


Thrill of Destruction: This unit's Strength is increased by 12%.


  • Tier 1: Deals damage for 260% of the caster's Strength, with 15% chance to place a buff on caster
  • Tier 2: Deals damage for 280% of the caster's Strength, with 30% chance to place a buff on caster
  • Tier 3: Deals damage for 300% of the caster's Strength, with 45% chance to place a buff on caster
  • Tier 4: Deals damage for 320% of the caster's Strength, with 60% chance to place a buff on caster


This ability can sometimes be more useful than Bloodshed because it increase your Strength, which when paired with Restore can allow you to heal more, or Decimate which will deal more damage.

Other Users[]

