โ | I want them gone. Dead. Deader than dead. Kill 'em a couple more times after you kill 'em dead. | โ |
~ Carbon to Grosk |
Carbon | |
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Race | Zombie |
Zone | Firewell Factory (Story Scene) Thunder Labs (Story Scene) ZPCI Stronghold (Story Scene) The Red Pillars - Stage 12/Wave 1 (Variant 1, Miniboss Stage) - Stage 13/Wave 2 (Variant 2. Boss Stage) |
Carbon is the main antagonist of Sonny (2017) and the final boss, located in The Red Pillars.
This section contains spoilers. |
This section contains spoilers for certain events from the games. You have been warned. |
Carbon is a narcissistic, self-absorbed, prideful and vain individual, as evidenced from most of his dialogue. He is also very power-hungry as he desired to rule the world by turning the population into super zombies. However, he has a very brittle and fragile pride, shown when the party insulted him back, especially Veradux's sarcastic remarks hit him the most. This caused him to temporarily turn completely defensive, showing a massive inferiority complex.
However, Carbon is also highly intelligent and extremely manipulative. Carbon managed to prevent the Praetor of the ZPCI from figuring out that he's a Super Zombie, despite being in close contact with one another. Carbon claims that all he had to do to prevent the Praetor from being any wiser about this ruse, was to keep his back to him. Furthermore, Carbon also managed to acquire a vast amount of wealth through unknown means, which he doesn't hesitate to boast about whenever he gets the chance. On his own, Carbon is the villainous mastermind behind every major event in the game, evidenced by how he got Dr. Klima to create "the absolute BEST strains" for him, while simultaneously using his other subordinates such as Celestia to represent InfectAid as they struck a deal with the ZPCI, referred to as the SEED Protocol. That deal was to create bio-mechanical weaponry for the ZPCI, such as an army of super-smart robots in exchange for receiving the resources & permissions required to create the superlaser known as the SEED.
The ZPCI were led to believe that they would use this superweapon to control the zombie infestation. But in reality, Carbon had arranged for the super zombie strains that Dr. Klima created to be synthesized into the SEED once it was paid for by the ZPCI, effectively scamming a massive organisation and tricking them into doing his bidding. To put the cherry on top of that masterstroke and add insult to injury, Carbon additionally paid for a rocket to launch the SEED into space, so that it could target any part of the earth and kill the majority of all mankind, infecting the survivors with Dr. Klima's super zombie strains.
Luckily, Carbon's plans were halted by the unexpected survival of Sonny's crew. Doctor Herregods had tracked the signal of the radio frequency that the Praetor was connected to when Carbon contacted him to boast about tricking him while the Praetor was locked in combat and about to be dispatched by Sonny & Co. Carbon had planned for Sonny and his allies to attack the ZPCI HQ by getting Celestia to tell them about the SEED Protocol, hoping it would get them killed in the attempt.
Unfortunately for Carbon, his arrogance in assuming that Sonny and his allies wouldn't be a severe threat to his plans ended up being his downfall. He was unprepared for their arrival at The Red Pillars and when his super zombies in his HQ ended up being killed by them, his last line of defense was an energy shield that was promptly disabled by Cpt. Vendara's timely arrival with Carbon's own EMP bazooka.
In the following battle, he was soundly defeated and his plans to fire his superweapon at the Earth from his rocket was foiled. Ultimately, Carbon went down fighting for what he truly believed to be a just cause: To make humanity great again by turning them all into super zombies.
It is also implied that Carbon was atleast partially responsible for the creation of Sonny, who would eventually thwart his plans for a new world. The ship in which the strain was created by Dr. Brandt that is within Sonny and where he got resurrected by Louis, is the same ship that Carbon sent the ZPCI to ''do his dirty work for him'', presumably to get rid of alternative strains he didn't authorize through Dr. Klima, as he seemed surprised and displeased with a super zombie existing that he didn't create himself, as evidenced by his dialogue when he had a meeting with Grosk in the Firewell. He later implied that this decision was a mistake, as the ZPCI's failure to presumably wipe out everyone on board who they were told were "infected" on his orders eventually resulted in Sonny being the one "who got away", thanks to Louis' survival and his successful resurrection of Sonny. By not personally attending to this matter, Carbon had unwittingly allowed Sonny to escape from certain death on the ship with Dr. Brandt's strain in his body. By the time Sonny and Co. caught up with him, it was already too late for Carbon to rectify his mistake. If Carbon had managed to sink the ship & destroy Dr. Brandt's research before it could escape in Sonny's physical body, his plans might have never been ruined.
Simply put, Carbon is like a different, slightly more sympathetic but equally manipulative version of Baron Brixius from the original games in terms of being a solo antagonist not affiliated with the ZPCI manipulating the events in the game, although his personality is more vain and overtly narcissistic than Baron Brixius. Unlike Baron Brixius, Carbon's schemes took the front seat in the entire game. Unlike Baron Brixius from the original games, Carbon had a clearly defined goal and a personal agenda that went beyond creating chaos for the sake of it as he had a new world in mind that he wanted to personally create. However, Carbon does share a casual disregard for his minions with Baron Brixius, not being above lying to them or putting them in situations where he knew they were likely to die in. Examples of this include when he instructed Celestia to inform Sonny & Co. about the SEED Protocol, anticipating that they would likely end up killing Celestia. Carbon decided to sacrifice one of his pawns and used Celestia to lead Sonny's crew to the ZPCI HQ, to pit two of the factions he wanted off the playing board against eachother, to distract from his conspiracy and hopefully solve both problems simultaneously. He similarly instructed Grosk to face off against the party, but at that point he may have simply underestimated Sonny and Co. and believed that Grosk would have gotten the job done.
Attribute Notes:
- Values in bold can be encountered in a Legend run (no training), no bold means that these values are only available in training fights.
- Italic values cannot be encountered in training despite being coded in the game due to Sonny's level being +1 higher than the zone level when entering a new zone, on a legend run.
- Buffs cannot reduce Power/Defense/Speed below 1. This also applies to Vitality but it normally cannot be modified in battle.
- For Defense specifically, this means that the Damage taken Mod becomes ~200% while both breached and exposed. See this this page for more info.
- Visible Power/Defense/Speed is rounded to nearest integer. If the actual value ends exactly in ".5", then it will be rounded to nearest even integer. Visible (Max) HP is rounded up.
- Abilities can also have Hit./Crit. Bonuses, which are listed under the Abilities section.
- Only Physical Defense is shown because the other elemental defenses are not used at all on units. They can still get non-physical elemental defense from certain abilities.
Base | Mod | Lvl 28 | |||||||||||
Power | 0 | 1.35 | 2334.29 | ||||||||||
Defense | 0 | 1 | 1729.11 | ||||||||||
Speed | 0 | 1 | 1729.11 | ||||||||||
Vitality | 0 | 9 | 15561.95 | ||||||||||
Max HP from Vitality (7*Vitality) | 108933.67 | ||||||||||||
Visible Max HP from Vitality | 108934 | ||||||||||||
Visible Power | 2334 | ||||||||||||
Visible Defense | 1729 | ||||||||||||
Visible Speed | 1729 | ||||||||||||
Damage Taken Mod from Defense | 77.378% | ||||||||||||
... while Breached (-50% Defense) | 137.5% | ||||||||||||
... while Exposed (-75% Defense) | 168.75% | ||||||||||||
Hit. Bonus | 0% | ||||||||||||
Crit. Chance | 15% | ||||||||||||
Stun Resist | 0% | ||||||||||||
Focus Drain Resist | 50% | ||||||||||||
Physical Defense | 0% |
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Version 1. | ||||
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+1 duration when first applied. Duration ticks down once after being applied. | ||||
AoE ability. | ||||
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Damages for 450% Power, ignoring target Defense. Also adds a -100000% A.I. Melee modifier. | ||||
Silence target's previously used ability by 50 turns on hit. | AoE ability. | |||
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+1 duration when first applied. [ELEMENT] is the buff's current element. When attacked with a different element than the buff, the old buff expires and a new buff using the attack element is applied. | ||||||
A.I. Ability Order[]
A.I. Notes:
- The A.I. prefers to use the topmost item in the left list, which is ranked according to the abilities' total scaling and A.I. score bonuses. For attacks specifically, their cooldown also plays a part in the rankings (the longer the cooldown, the higher it goes).
- When an ability's Max HP Threshold condition is met and it's off cooldown, then that ability is added to the left list, in most cases to the top.
- If an ability cannot be used due to being on cooldown, incl. silences, then the A.I. moves down the list to the next ability. If no abilities are available, then the A.I. skips their turn.
- The A.I. will also not use healing abilities with 100% HP Threshold if all their teammates have full HP.
- The A.I. does have a chance of not following the list and instead picking a random ability. The chance depends on it's A.I. type and the difference in total scaling & A.I. Score Bonuses.
- It might also pick a different ability if the valid target(s) has:
- Increased elemental defense against an element one of their available abilities has.
- High Defense and the A.I. has access to an ability that deals piercing damage.
- The A.I. prefers targeting units with low HP% (both attacks & heals) and a high Damage Taken Mod (only attacks). Buffs that increases damage/healing taken also affect the targeting priority.
- Again, the A.I. has a chance of targeting a random unit instead. The chance depends on it's A.I. type, the difference in HP% & difference in Damage Taken Mod.
A.I. Type | This unit has the A.I. type "Normal". They tend to follow the list and targeting priority, but can sometimes switch it up with a random ability or target. | ||
Phases | Ability Preference List | HP Threshold Abilities | Passive Abilities |
Phase 1 | - Area Forbid (7th turn & onward) - Rage (3rd turn & onward) - Super Deadly Wrap (3rd turn & onward) - Attack |
- Bastion DNA - Frenzy DNA - Chroma Screen |
Before fighting Carbon (Variant 1), you want items that have a reasonable amount of speed to either have close to Carbon's speed or superior speed, so that you can't get overwhelmed by multiple attacks before you can move or a rage buff that is over before you can stun Carbon or dispel it. If possible, you could try to go for some defense/vitality to survive more than a few hits. Power isn't always a very useful stat if Carbon manages to get his defense high enough, forcing you to rely on other abilities to damage Carbon. Regardless, Sonny tends to work best with builds that focus on power and speed.
For this battle, you want teammates who can either ignore defense or have a good variation of elements in their movesets. Dr. Herregods is probably the best candidate, for he can heal over time with Vitamin Spray, protect you if necessary with Hydro Shield and effectively put pressure on Carbon by ignoring his defense with Eco Strike. Kara is also useful with her Rogue Shot and Shadow Blade, but she is vulnerable to getting silenced by Carbon's Area Forbid and being locked out of her most useful moves. Veradux & Zakk are still able to be effective in their own right in this battle, but they'll struggle with having a physical basic attack as a prelude for their stronger moves. Furthermore, Zakk's offense is almost exclusively physical attacks, other than Shadow Sweep & Snow Storm, the latter's damage being rendered nearly useless after the 1st hit out of the 3.
Carbon heavily relies on his passive abilities and to counteract them, you need to have an ability wheel that is effective and versatile in elements. Abilities that allow you to ignore defense are recommended, such as Shadow Bolt. If you are able to reduce Carbon's defense, such as with Magma Beam or Weave, make sure to use such abilities first to reduce Carbon's growth in defense. To minimize the amount of time Carbon has to buff his defense, try equipping slows, focus drains and/or powerful abilities that are bound to drain his HP quickly. Cripple, Warp Strike, Wound, etc... are all viable examples of abilities to add to the ability wheel during this battle.
Whenever possible, it is advised to weaken Carbon or slow him down. This will significantly reduce his combat effectiveness as Carbon relies on having high base stats, due to a lack of powerful abilities. Make sure to weaken Carbon as often as you can when he is below 25% and try to avoid having him cast Rage when he is below 25%, as to avoid an attack stat that is out of your control, resulting in your team getting one-shot by a single AoE attack. It is also fairly effective to cast Blind (-50% hit chance) on Carbon with Haze in combination with a slowing ability, as Carbon will spend most of his time throwing basic attacks that can easily be dodged when he's blinded, while slowing him down ensures he remains blinded longer along with the additional effect speed has on hit chance. This will effectively halve his offensive capabilities as long as he isn't using Super Deadly Wrap, as that ability has increased hit chance..
Attribute Notes:
- Values in bold can be encountered in a Legend run (no training), no bold means that these values are only available in training fights.
- Italic values cannot be encountered in training despite being coded in the game due to Sonny's level being +1 higher than the zone level when entering a new zone, on a legend run.
- Buffs cannot reduce Power/Defense/Speed below 1. This also applies to Vitality but it normally cannot be modified in battle.
- For Defense specifically, this means that the Damage taken Mod becomes ~200% while both breached and exposed. See this this page for more info.
- Visible Power/Defense/Speed is rounded to nearest integer. If the actual value ends exactly in ".5", then it will be rounded to nearest even integer. Visible (Max) HP is rounded up.
- Abilities can also have Hit./Crit. Bonuses, which are listed under the Abilities section.
- Only Physical Defense is shown because the other elemental defenses are not used at all on units. They can still get non-physical elemental defense from certain abilities.
Base | Mod | Lvl 28 | |||||||||||
Power | 0 | 0.75 | 1296.83 | ||||||||||
Defense | 0 | 1.3 | 2247.84 | ||||||||||
Speed | 0 | 1.1 | 1902.02 | ||||||||||
Vitality | 0 | 17 | 29394.8 | ||||||||||
Max HP from Vitality (7*Vitality) | 205763.59 | ||||||||||||
Visible Max HP from Vitality | 205764 | ||||||||||||
Visible Power | 1297 | ||||||||||||
Visible Defense | 2248 | ||||||||||||
Visible Speed | 1902 | ||||||||||||
Damage Taken Mod from Defense | 52.668% | ||||||||||||
... while Breached (-50% Defense) | 118.75% | ||||||||||||
... while Exposed (-75% Defense) | 159.375% | ||||||||||||
Hit. Bonus | 70% | ||||||||||||
Crit. Chance | 0% | ||||||||||||
Stun Resist | 0% | ||||||||||||
Focus Drain Resist | 50% | ||||||||||||
Physical Defense | 0% |
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Heals for 50% of caster's Power. | ||||
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Damages for 50% Power, ignoring target Defense. | ||||
AoE Ability. | ||||
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Charge consumed with caster is hit with an attack. Duration immediately ticks down after being applied to caster. | ||||
While in phase 1, it's HP cannot go below 50% HP. Once they reach 50% HP, they'll enter phase 2 and gain the following abilities:
Caster gains 85 Focus and drain 25 Focus from target on hit. | Ignores Defense. | |||
99% chance to silence stricken target's previously used ability by 3 turns on hit. | AoE ability. | |||
A.I. Ability Order[]
A.I. Notes:
- The A.I. prefers to use the topmost item in the left list, which is ranked according to the abilities' total scaling and A.I. score bonuses. For attacks specifically, their cooldown also plays a part in the rankings (the longer the cooldown, the higher it goes).
- When an ability's Max HP Threshold condition is met and it's off cooldown, then that ability is added to the left list, in most cases to the top.
- If an ability cannot be used due to being on cooldown, incl. silences, then the A.I. moves down the list to the next ability. If no abilities are available, then the A.I. skips their turn.
- The A.I. will also not use healing abilities with 100% HP Threshold if all their teammates have full HP.
- The A.I. does have a chance of not following the list and instead picking a random ability. The chance depends on it's A.I. type and the difference in total scaling & A.I. Score Bonuses.
- It might also pick a different ability if the valid target(s) has:
- Increased elemental defense against an element one of their available abilities has.
- High Defense and the A.I. has access to an ability that deals piercing damage.
- The A.I. prefers targeting units with low HP% (both attacks & heals) and a high Damage Taken Mod (only attacks). Buffs that increases damage/healing taken also affect the targeting priority.
- Again, the A.I. has a chance of targeting a random unit instead. The chance depends on it's A.I. type, the difference in HP% & difference in Damage Taken Mod.
A.I. Type | This unit has the A.I. type "Normal". They tend to follow the list and targeting priority, but can sometimes switch it up with a random ability or target. | ||
Phases | Ability Preference List | HP Threshold Abilities | Passive Abilities |
Phase 1 | - Chaos Storm (8th turn & onward) - Divine Strike (6th turn & onward) - Eco Nova (4th turn & onward) - Heat Ray - Attack |
- Hydrogen Shell (4th turn & onward) (Self <100% HP) | |
Phase 2 (<50% HP) | - Chaos Storm - Divine Strike - Eco Nova - Shade Strike - Frozen Fog (3rd turn & onward) - Heat Ray - Attack |
- Hydrogen Shell |
Carbon (Variant 2) can be beaten using the same stat setup as the first fight.
Consider not bringing Veradux to this fight, as Electro Bolt will dispel the Shadow Shift buff (Stunned, but 10% Power growth each turn), making the fight take longer and potentially more difficult. Furthemore, while Kara can deal a lot of damage while Carbon is under the effect of Shadow Shift, it will backfire whenever Carbon has the Divine Charge buff (+300% Power, -100% Speed, reflect 100% damage). Either protect Kara with Guard or increase Kara's defensive stats through items.
The Weaken buff (-50% Power) will also work in the second fight, in order to reduce the Power growth from Shadow Shift.Trivia[]
- Carbon (Variant 2) is the only enemy unit with an ability of each element.
- When losing to Carbon there is a chance for a tip showing up saying "Carbon has the best tips. No one has better post-defeat tips than Carbon." for the first fight, and "No, really. Carbon cannot be defeated. Just give up, fools!" for the second fight.
- Carbon is the second boss in the series whose fight takes two battles. The other being Baron Brixius in Sonny 2.
- In the second phase of his fight, when he is damaged enough and reaches 50% HP, he'll temporarily pause to throw a brief emotional tantrum, realizing that he is likely to lose the fight, much like Baron Brixius' dialogue when he reaches 5% HP in Sonny 2. In said dialogue, he'll curse at Sonny & Co. and deride them for being stupid in his eyes. He shows his only ever expression of a flicker of remorse, admitting that he just wanted to "make humans great again", even further admitting that them being super zombies as part of his plan wasn't perfect, as evidenced by the line "YES, they'll be super zombies. But so what? YOU try fixing the world. Not everything can be perfect.". This flicker of remorse indicates that there may be more to Carbon's character than he shows on-screen and proves that he did truly desire to help the human race in his own twisted way; killing off the majority and having the survivors become super zombies.
- Carbon appears to be based on Donald Trump. He shares a lot of personality traits with the former President. Carbon's name could possibly be a reference to Donald Trump's controversial views on climate change and he even shares expressions that are reminiscent of Trump, such as telling Zakk one time over an intercom that he "ought to build a big old wall and keep you out in the cold".