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Sonny Wiki

Body is an equipment type in Sonny (2017). These have a multiplier of 1.2 to their stats and prices. There is a total of 43 Body equipment in the game, of which there are:

  • 30 Common
  • 11 Uncommon
  • 2 Rare


  • When Common items drop, their level is set to the fight's Stage level
  • Item levels marked in Bold can be obtained in a legend run.
  • Item levels marken in Italic can normally not be obtained in normal gameplay, despite being able to drop according to the game code
    • This only applies to Common drop items, specifically when Sonny is training at the same level as the Zone level, which produces the lowest drop levels of that zone. It happens because for some zones, Sonny's level is 1 higher than it's Zone level, resulting in training fights which drop items with a level higher than the lowest drop level.
    • This occurs in Zone 2 and Zone 5.

Body Items in Sonny (2017)[]

Safetyvest Safety Vest - Common Body Shop - Patient Zero
Attribute Mod Lvl 3
Defense 0.3 9
Vitality 0.7 20
Buy Price $45
Sell Price (0/5) $22
(1/5) $27
(2/5) $36
(3/5) $50
(4/5) $68
(5/5) $90
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $9
(2/5) $18
(3/5) $27
(4/5) $36
(5/5) $45

Kevlarvest Kevlar Vest - Common Body Shop - The Silver Strand
Attribute Mod Lvl 5
Defense 0.4 21
Speed 0.3 16
Vitality 0.3 16
Buy Price $75
Sell Price (0/5) $38
(1/5) $45
(2/5) $60
(3/5) $82
(4/5) $112
(5/5) $150
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $15
(2/5) $30
(3/5) $45
(4/5) $60
(5/5) $75

Stormcloak Storm Cloak - Common Body Shop - The Silver Strand
Attribute Mod Lvl 7
Speed 0.25 22
Vitality 0.75 64
Buy Price $125
Sell Price (0/5) $62
(1/5) $75
(2/5) $100
(3/5) $138
(4/5) $188
(5/5) $250
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $25
(2/5) $50
(3/5) $75
(4/5) $100
(5/5) $125

Sonny2017-CommonBodyWornVest Worn Vest - Common Body Drop - The Silver Strand
Attribute Mod Lvl 2 Lvl 3 Lvl 4 Lvl 5 Lvl 6 Lvl 7 Lvl 8 Lvl 9
Power 0.5 11 15 20 27 34 43 52 63
Defense 0.3 7 9 12 16 21 26 31 38
Speed 0.2 5 6 8 11 14 17 21 25
Sell Price (0/5) $15 $22 $30 $38 $50 $62 $78 $92
(1/5) $18 $27 $36 $45 $60 $75 $93 $111
(2/5) $24 $36 $48 $60 $80 $100 $124 $148
(3/5) $33 $50 $66 $82 $110 $138 $170 $204
(4/5) $45 $68 $90 $112 $150 $188 $232 $278
(5/5) $60 $90 $120 $150 $200 $250 $310 $370
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $6 $9 $12 $15 $20 $25 $31 $37
(2/5) $12
(3/5) $18
(4/5) $24
(5/5) $30

Sonny2017-CommonBodyInfectAidSuit InfectAid Suit - Common Body Starts on Veradux
Attribute Mod Lvl 4
Defense 0.6 24
Vitality 0.4 16
Sell Price (0/5) $30
(1/5) $36
(2/5) $48
(3/5) $66
(4/5) $90
(5/5) $120
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $12
(2/5) $24
(3/5) $36
(4/5) $48
(5/5) $60

Titan armor Titan Armor - Common Body Shop - Tera Jungle
Attribute Mod Lvl 9
Power 0.2 25
Defense 0.8 100
Physical Def. 15%
Buy Price $185
Sell Price (0/5) $92
(1/5) $111
(2/5) $148
(3/5) $204
(4/5) $278
(5/5) $370
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $37
(2/5) $74
(3/5) $111
(4/5) $148
(5/5) $185

Sonny2017-CommonBodyVineArmor Vine Armor - Common Body Drop - Tera Jungle
Attribute Mod Lvl 4 Lvl 5 Lvl 6 Lvl 7 Lvl 8 Lvl 9 Lvl 10 Lvl 11
Power 0.3 12 16 21 26 31 38 45 52
Defense 0.5 20 27 34 43 52 63 74 86
Speed 0.2 8 11 14 17 21 25 30 35
Sell Price (0/5) $30 $38 $50 $62 $78 $92 $110 $128
(1/5) $36 $45 $60 $75 $93 $111 $132 $153
(2/5) $48 $60 $80 $100 $124 $148 $176 $204
(3/5) $66 $82 $110 $138 $170 $204 $242 $280
(4/5) $90 $112 $150 $188 $232 $278 $330 $382
(5/5) $120 $150 $200 $250 $310 $370 $440 $510
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $12 $15 $20 $25 $31 $37 $44 $51
(2/5) $24
(3/5) $36
(4/5) $48
(5/5) $60

Sonny2017-CommonBodyResearcherVest Researcher Vest - Common Body Starts on Dr Herregods
Attribute Mod Lvl 6
Defense 0.5 34
Vitality 0.5 34
Nature Pow. 15%
Nature Def. 15%
Sell Price (0/5) $50
(1/5) $60
(2/5) $80
(3/5) $110
(4/5) $150
(5/5) $200
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $20
(2/5) $40
(3/5) $60
(4/5) $80
(5/5) $100

Jungle armor Jungle Armor - Uncommon Body Shop - Tera Jungle
Attribute Mod Lvl 9
Defense 0.15 24
Speed 0.6 94
Vitality 0.25 39
Nature Def. 15%
Buy Price $235
Sell Price (0/5) $118
(1/5) $141
(2/5) $188
(3/5) $258
(4/5) $352
(5/5) $470
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $47
(2/5) $94
(3/5) $141
(4/5) $188
(5/5) $235

Sonny2017-CommonBodyMechPlate Mech Plate - Common Body Shop - Firewell Factory
Attribute Mod Lvl 10
Defense 0.85 125
Vitality 0.15 23
Buy Price $220
Sell Price (0/5) $110
(1/5) $132
(2/5) $176
(3/5) $242
(4/5) $330
(5/5) $440
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $44
(2/5) $88
(3/5) $132
(4/5) $176
(5/5) $220

Sonny2017-CommonBodyBladeArmor Blade Armor - Common Body Shop - Firewell Factory
Attribute Mod Lvl 12
Power 0.5 99
Defense 0.25 50
Vitality 0.25 50
Buy Price $295
Sell Price (0/5) $148
(1/5) $177
(2/5) $236
(3/5) $324
(4/5) $442
(5/5) $590
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $59
(2/5) $118
(3/5) $177
(4/5) $236
(5/5) $295

Sonny2017-CommonBodySalamanderPlate Salamander Plate - Common Body Drop - Firewell Factory
Attribute Mod Lvl 8 Lvl 9 Lvl 10 Lvl 11 Lvl 12 Lvl 13 Lvl 14 Lvl 15
Defense 0.5 52 63 74 86 99 113 128 144
Vitality 0.4 42 50 59 69 80 91 103 115
Fire Def. 30%
Sell Price (0/5) $78 $92 $110 $128 $148 $170 $192 $215
(1/5) $93 $111 $132 $153 $177 $204 $231 $258
(2/5) $124 $148 $176 $204 $236 $272 $308 $344
(3/5) $170 $204 $242 $280 $324 $374 $424 $473
(4/5) $232 $278 $330 $382 $442 $510 $578 $645
(5/5) $310 $370 $440 $510 $590 $680 $770 $860
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $31 $37 $44 $51 $59 $68 $77 $86
(2/5) $62
(3/5) $93
(4/5) $124
(5/5) $155

Sonny2017-CommonBodyBlackOpsSuit Black Ops Suit - Common Body Starts on Kara
Attribute Mod Lvl 10
Power 0.2 30
Defense 0.3 45
Vitality 0.5 74
Fire Def. 30%
Sell Price (0/5) $110
(1/5) $132
(2/5) $176
(3/5) $242
(4/5) $330
(5/5) $440
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $44
(2/5) $88
(3/5) $132
(4/5) $176
(5/5) $220

Sonny2017-UncommonBodyBlastSuit Blast Suit - Uncommon Body Shop - Firewell Factory
Attribute Mod Lvl 12
Power 0.3 75
Speed 0.2 50
Vitality 0.5 124
Fire Def. 35%
Buy Price $370
Sell Price (0/5) $185
(1/5) $222
(2/5) $296
(3/5) $407
(4/5) $555
(5/5) $740
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $74
(2/5) $148
(3/5) $222
(4/5) $296
(5/5) $370

Sonny2017-CommonBodyAtricCape Atric Cape - Common Body Shop - The Hidden Forest
Attribute Mod Lvl 15
Power 0.3 86
Defense 0.2 58
Speed 0.5 144
Buy Price $430
Sell Price (0/5) $215
(1/5) $258
(2/5) $344
(3/5) $473
(4/5) $645
(5/5) $860
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $86
(2/5) $172
(3/5) $258
(4/5) $344
(5/5) $430

Sonny2017-CommonBodyGothicArmor Gothic Armor - Common Body Shop - The Hidden Forest
Attribute Mod Lvl 15
Power 0.3 86
Defense 0.55 158
Vitality 0.15 43
Buy Price $430
Sell Price (0/5) $215
(1/5) $258
(2/5) $344
(3/5) $473
(4/5) $645
(5/5) $860
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $86
(2/5) $172
(3/5) $258
(4/5) $344
(5/5) $430

Sonny2017-CommonBodyAuroraCape Aurora Cape - Common Body Drop - The Hidden Forest
Attribute Mod Lvl 11 Lvl 12 Lvl 13 Lvl 14 Lvl 15 Lvl 16 Lvl 17
Power 0.3 52 60 68 77 86 96 107
Defense 0.3 52 60 68 77 86 96 107
Speed 0.4 69 80 91 103 115 128 142
Sell Price (0/5) $128 $148 $170 $192 $215 $240 $265
(1/5) $153 $177 $204 $231 $258 $288 $318
(2/5) $204 $236 $272 $308 $344 $384 $424
(3/5) $280 $324 $374 $424 $473 $528 $583
(4/5) $382 $442 $510 $578 $645 $720 $795
(5/5) $510 $590 $680 $770 $860 $960 $1060
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $51 $59 $68 $77 $86 $96 $106
(2/5) $102
(3/5) $153
(4/5) $204
(5/5) $255

Sonny2017-CommonBodyZakksScarf Zakk's Scarf - Common Body Starts on Zakk
Attribute Mod Lvl 13
Defense 0.3 68
Speed 0.3 68
Vitality 0.4 91
Frost Def. 15%
Sell Price (0/5) $170
(1/5) $204
(2/5) $272
(3/5) $374
(4/5) $510
(5/5) $680
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $68
(2/5) $136
(3/5) $204
(4/5) $272
(5/5) $340

Sonny2017-UncommonBodyThermoShell Thermo Shell - Uncommon Body Shop - The Hidden Forest
Attribute Mod Lvl 15
Defense 0.55 197
Speed 0.3 108
Vitality 0.15 54
Frost Def. 35%
Buy Price $540
Sell Price (0/5) $270
(1/5) $324
(2/5) $432
(3/5) $594
(4/5) $810
(5/5) $1080
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $108
(2/5) $216
(3/5) $324
(4/5) $432
(5/5) $540

Sonny2017-CommonBodyNanoVest Nano Vest - Common Body Shop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 16
Power 0.3 96
Defense 0.5 160
Speed 0.2 64
Buy Price $480
Sell Price (0/5) $240
(1/5) $288
(2/5) $384
(3/5) $528
(4/5) $720
(5/5) $960
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $96
(2/5) $192
(3/5) $288
(4/5) $384
(5/5) $480

Sonny2017-CommonBodyStaticPlate Static Plate - Common Body Shop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 17
Power 0.45 160
Defense 0.3 107
Speed 0.25 89
Lightning Def. 10%
Buy Price $530
Sell Price (0/5) $265
(1/5) $318
(2/5) $424
(3/5) $583
(4/5) $795
(5/5) $1060
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $106
(2/5) $212
(3/5) $318
(4/5) $424
(5/5) $530

Sonny2017-CommonBodyAgileShroud Agile Shroud - Common Body Drop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 13 Lvl 14 Lvl 15 Lvl 16 Lvl 17 Lvl 18 Lvl 19 Lvl 20 Lvl 21
Speed 0.7 158 179 201 224 248 273 299 327 355
Vitality 0.3 68 77 86 96 107 117 129 140 152
Crit. Chance 5%
Sell Price (0/5) $170 $192 $215 $240 $265 $292 $320 $350 $380
(1/5) $204 $231 $258 $288 $318 $351 $384 $420 $456
(2/5) $272 $308 $344 $384 $424 $468 $512 $560 $608
(3/5) $374 $424 $473 $528 $583 $644 $704 $770 $836
(4/5) $510 $578 $645 $720 $795 $878 $960 $1050 $1140
(5/5) $680 $770 $860 $960 $1060 $1170 $1280 $1400 $1520
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $68 $77 $86 $96 $106 $117 $128 $140 $152
(2/5) $136
(3/5) $204
(4/5) $272
(5/5) $340

Sonny2017-CommonBodyGroundingPlate Grounding Plate - Common Body Drop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 13 Lvl 14 Lvl 15 Lvl 16 Lvl 17 Lvl 18 Lvl 19 Lvl 20 Lvl 21
Defense 0.5 113 128 144 160 177 195 214 233 254
Vitality 0.3 68 77 86 96 107 117 129 140 152
Lightning Def. 20%
Sell Price (0/5) $170 $192 $215 $240 $265 $292 $320 $350 $380
(1/5) $204 $231 $258 $288 $318 $351 $384 $420 $456
(2/5) $272 $308 $344 $384 $424 $468 $512 $560 $608
(3/5) $374 $424 $473 $528 $583 $644 $704 $770 $836
(4/5) $510 $578 $645 $720 $795 $878 $960 $1050 $1140
(5/5) $680 $770 $860 $960 $1060 $1170 $1280 $1400 $1520
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $68 $77 $86 $96 $106 $117 $128 $140 $152
(2/5) $136
(3/5) $204
(4/5) $272
(5/5) $340

Sonny2017-UncommonBodyCarbonArmor Carbon Armor - Uncommon Body Shop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 17
Defense 0.25 111
Vitality 0.75 332
Buy Price $665
Sell Price (0/5) $332
(1/5) $399
(2/5) $532
(3/5) $732
(4/5) $998
(5/5) $1330
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $133
(2/5) $266
(3/5) $399
(4/5) $532
(5/5) $665

Sonny2017-UncommonBodyDivineShroud Divine Shroud - Uncommon Body Shop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 18
Defense 0.15 74
Speed 0.75 366
Crit. Chance 15%
Buy Price $730
Sell Price (0/5) $365
(1/5) $438
(2/5) $584
(3/5) $803
(4/5) $1095
(5/5) $1460
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $146
(2/5) $292
(3/5) $438
(4/5) $584
(5/5) $730

Sonny2017-RareBodyPlasmaBarrier Plasma Barrier - Rare Body Drop - Thunder Labs Miniboss Stage
Attribute Mod Lvl 17
Power 0.4 199
Speed 0.3 149
Vitality 0.2 100
Shadow Def. 25%
Sell Price (0/5) $372
(1/5) $447
(2/5) $596
(3/5) $820
(4/5) $1118
(5/5) $1490
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $149
(2/5) $298
(3/5) $447
(4/5) $596
(5/5) $745

Sonny2017-CommonBodyAvengerPlate Avenger Plate - Common Body Shop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 20
Power 0.75 350
Defense 0.25 117
Buy Price $700
Sell Price (0/5) $350
(1/5) $420
(2/5) $560
(3/5) $770
(4/5) $1050
(5/5) $1400
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $140
(2/5) $280
(3/5) $420
(4/5) $560
(5/5) $700

Sonny2017-CommonBodyCombatSuit Combat Suit - Common Body Shop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 21
Defense 0.6 304
Speed 0.15 76
Vitality 0.25 127
Buy Price $760
Sell Price (0/5) $380
(1/5) $456
(2/5) $608
(3/5) $836
(4/5) $1140
(5/5) $1520
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $152
(2/5) $304
(3/5) $456
(4/5) $608
(5/5) $760

Sonny2017-CommonBodyWitcherCloak Witcher Cloak - Common Body Drop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 17 Lvl 18 Lvl 19 Lvl 20 Lvl 21 Lvl 22 Lvl 23 Lvl 24
Defense 0.35 124 137 150 164 178 192 208 223
Speed 0.5 177 195 214 233 254 275 296 319
Frost Def. 35%
Lightning Def. 35%
Sell Price (0/5) $265 $292 $320 $350 $380 $412 $442 $478
(1/5) $318 $351 $384 $420 $456 $495 $531 $573
(2/5) $424 $468 $512 $560 $608 $660 $708 $764
(3/5) $583 $644 $704 $770 $836 $908 $974 $1050
(4/5) $795 $878 $960 $1050 $1140 $1238 $1328 $1432
(5/5) $1060 $1170 $1280 $1400 $1520 $1650 $1770 $1910
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $106 $117 $128 $140 $152 $165 $177 $191
(2/5) $212
(3/5) $318
(4/5) $424
(5/5) $530

Sonny2017-UncommonBodyShadowCloak Shadow Cloak - Uncommon Body Shop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 22
Defense 0.35 240
Speed 0.65 446
Buy Price $1030
Sell Price (0/5) $515
(1/5) $618
(2/5) $824
(3/5) $1133
(4/5) $1545
(5/5) $2060
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $206
(2/5) $412
(3/5) $618
(4/5) $824
(5/5) $1030

Sonny2017-UncommonBodyCursedArmor Cursed Armor - Uncommon Body Shop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 22
Power 0.5 343
Defense 0.3 206
Vitality 0.2 138
Buy Price $1030
Sell Price (0/5) $515
(1/5) $618
(2/5) $824
(3/5) $1133
(4/5) $1545
(5/5) $2060
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $206
(2/5) $412
(3/5) $618
(4/5) $824
(5/5) $1030

Sonny2017-CommonBodyBlackOpsSuit Thermal Suit - Common Body Shop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 23
Power 0.4 237
Speed 0.1 60
Vitality 0.3 178
Frost Def. 25%
Buy Price $885
Sell Price (0/5) $442
(1/5) $531
(2/5) $708
(3/5) $974
(4/5) $1328
(5/5) $1770
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $177
(2/5) $354
(3/5) $531
(4/5) $708
(5/5) $885

Sonny2017-CommonBodyCoolingSuit Cooling Suit - Common Body Shop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 23
Power 0.1 60
Speed 0.4 237
Vitality 0.3 178
Fire Def. 25%
Buy Price $885
Sell Price (0/5) $442
(1/5) $531
(2/5) $708
(3/5) $974
(4/5) $1328
(5/5) $1770
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $177
(2/5) $354
(3/5) $531
(4/5) $708
(5/5) $885

Sonny2017-CommonBodyTitaniumArmor Titanium Armor - Common Body Drop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 20 Lvl 21 Lvl 22 Lvl 23 Lvl 24 Lvl 25 Lvl 26
Defense 0.75 350 380 412 444 478 513 548
Vitality 0.25 117 127 138 148 160 171 183
Sell Price (0/5) $350 $380 $412 $442 $478 $510 $550
(1/5) $420 $456 $495 $531 $573 $612 $660
(2/5) $560 $608 $660 $708 $764 $816 $880
(3/5) $770 $836 $908 $974 $1050 $1122 $1210
(4/5) $1050 $1140 $1238 $1328 $1432 $1530 $1650
(5/5) $1400 $1520 $1650 $1770 $1910 $2040 $2200
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $140 $152 $165 $177 $191 $204 $220
(2/5) $280
(3/5) $420
(4/5) $560
(5/5) $700

Sonny2017-UncommonBodyMatrixArmor Matrix Armor - Uncommon Body Shop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 23
Power 0.4 296
Vitality 0.3 222
Lightning Def. 15%
Shadow Def. 15%
Buy Price $1110
Sell Price (0/5) $555
(1/5) $666
(2/5) $888
(3/5) $1221
(4/5) $1665
(5/5) $2220
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $222
(2/5) $444
(3/5) $666
(4/5) $888
(5/5) $1110

Sonny2017-UncommonBodyBulwarkOfJustice Bulwark of Justice - Uncommon Body Shop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 24
Power 0.15 120
Defense 0.4 319
Vitality 0.3 239
Physical Def. 15%
Buy Price $1190
Sell Price (0/5) $595
(1/5) $714
(2/5) $952
(3/5) $1309
(4/5) $1785
(5/5) $2380
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $238
(2/5) $476
(3/5) $714
(4/5) $952
(5/5) $1190

Sonny2017-RareBodyMedicSuitII Medic Suit II - Rare Body Drop - ZPCI Stronghold Miniboss Stage
Attribute Mod Lvl 20
Power 0.25 164
Speed 0.5 327
Vitality 0.15 98
Nature Pow. 15%
Lightning Pow. 15%
Sell Price (0/5) $490
(1/5) $588
(2/5) $784
(3/5) $1078
(4/5) $1470
(5/5) $1960
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $196
(2/5) $392
(3/5) $588
(4/5) $784
(5/5) $980

Sonny2017-CommonBodyBattleGear Battle Gear - Common Body Shop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 25
Power 0.3 205
Defense 0.4 274
Speed 0.15 103
Vitality 0.15 103
Buy Price $1020
Sell Price (0/5) $510
(1/5) $612
(2/5) $816
(3/5) $1122
(4/5) $1530
(5/5) $2040
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $204
(2/5) $408
(3/5) $612
(4/5) $816
(5/5) $1020

Sonny2017-CommonBodyBulwarkOfWar Bulwark of War - Common Body Shop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 25
Power 0.7 478
Defense 0.3 205
Buy Price $1020
Sell Price (0/5) $510
(1/5) $612
(2/5) $816
(3/5) $1122
(4/5) $1530
(5/5) $2040
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $204
(2/5) $408
(3/5) $612
(4/5) $816
(5/5) $1020

Sonny2017-CommonBodyAegisOfOlympus Aegis of Olympus - Common Body Drop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 22 Lvl 23 Lvl 24 Lvl 25 Lvl 26 Lvl 27 Lvl 28 Lvl 29 Lvl 30
Power 0.3 165 178 191 205 220 234 249 265 281
Defense 0.3 165 178 191 205 220 234 249 265 281
Speed 0.2 110 119 128 137 147 156 166 177 187
Vitality 0.2 110 119 128 137 147 156 166 177 187
Sell Price (0/5) $412 $442 $478 $510 $550 $585 $625 $660 $700
(1/5) $495 $531 $573 $612 $660 $702 $750 $792 $840
(2/5) $660 $708 $764 $816 $880 $936 $1000 $1056 $1120
(3/5) $908 $974 $1050 $1122 $1210 $1287 $1375 $1452 $1540
(4/5) $1238 $1328 $1432 $1530 $1650 $1755 $1875 $1980 $2100
(5/5) $1650 $1770 $1910 $2040 $2200 $2340 $2500 $2640 $2800
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $165 $177 $191 $204 $220 $234 $250 $264 $280
(2/5) $330
(3/5) $495
(4/5) $660
(5/5) $825

Sonny2017-CommonBodyIronMail Iron Mail - Common Body Drop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 22 Lvl 23 Lvl 24 Lvl 25 Lvl 26 Lvl 27 Lvl 28 Lvl 29 Lvl 30
Power 0.4 220 237 255 274 293 312 332 353 374
Defense 0.6 330 356 382 410 439 468 498 530 561
Sell Price (0/5) $412 $442 $478 $510 $550 $585 $625 $660 $700
(1/5) $495 $531 $573 $612 $660 $702 $750 $792 $840
(2/5) $660 $708 $764 $816 $880 $936 $1000 $1056 $1120
(3/5) $908 $974 $1050 $1122 $1210 $1287 $1375 $1452 $1540
(4/5) $1238 $1328 $1432 $1530 $1650 $1755 $1875 $1980 $2100
(5/5) $1650 $1770 $1910 $2040 $2200 $2340 $2500 $2640 $2800
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $165 $177 $191 $204 $220 $234 $250 $264 $280
(2/5) $330
(3/5) $495
(4/5) $660
(5/5) $825

Sonny2017-UncommonBodyAegisOfAres Aegis of Ares - Uncommon Body Shop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 25
Defense 0.6 513
Vitality 0.4 342
Buy Price $1280
Sell Price (0/5) $640
(1/5) $768
(2/5) $1024
(3/5) $1408
(4/5) $1920
(5/5) $2560
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $256
(2/5) $512
(3/5) $768
(4/5) $1024
(5/5) $1280

Sonny2017-UncommonBodyAegisOfHermes Aegis of Hermes - Uncommon Body Shop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 25
Power 0.6 513
Speed 0.4 342
Buy Price $1280
Sell Price (0/5) $640
(1/5) $768
(2/5) $1024
(3/5) $1408
(4/5) $1920
(5/5) $2560
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $256
(2/5) $512
(3/5) $768
(4/5) $1024
(5/5) $1280


  • An item's buying price is always a multiple of 5, and at >$1000 it's always a multiple of 10.
    • Since it's initial upgrade price is a fifth of the buying price, the upgrade price of all item levels is always an integer.

The Medic Suit II is the only Rare item to not have a 100% drop chance. It actually has a 4.167% chance of dropping, and this is presumably caused by a bug. This bug also causes Common item to drop from the miniboss stage where you can get Medic Suit II. Normally miniboss and boss stages either has a guaranteed Rare drop or has no drop.

  • Some Body items have misspelled names:
    • "Atric Cape" --> "Arctic Cape"