Assassin is one of the four classes that the player can choose from in the game Sonny. It is a physical melee class, with high speed and high burst damage, but low health.
The attribute where the assassin class outshines all other classes is its speed. This results in it having highly accurate attacks, a notably high evasion rate, and a very high critical hit ratio. They also have medium strength, which further fuels their potential to be an offensive class that can deal high amounts of burst damage when combined with their speed.
The main weakness of the assassin class is its low vitality attribute, which results in it having considerably low amount of hit points. Apart from that, it also suffers from the fact that there are very few abilities that use speed to power itself, and also from its low magic attribute, even when it isn't usually dependent on it. This causes it be able to use high damage attacks only occasionally, and it therefore has an inconsistent damage output. It makes even easy bosses, like the ZPCI troops at the end of the White November.
12 Vitality + 1 per level
16 Strength + 1.4 per level
0 Magic + 0 per level
18 Speed + 1.6 per level
Notable Assassins[]
After the end of the main story in the game Sonny, four characters are added to Sonny's team, all of whom start at level 12. No explanation is given as to how these characters came to join up with Sonny, since they are unrelated to the story, and they are not seen again in Sonny 2. One of these four characters is of the assassin class, and is named Amber. Some enemies are possibly assassins, mostly due to being equipped with assassin-exclusive gear.
Here is a list of these possible assassins.
Assassin Equipment[]
There is some equipment in the game Sonny which can only be equipped by characters of the assassin class.