- For other uses, see Achievements.
Achievements can be earned in Sonny (2017). Like Sonny 2, the achievements are shared across all save files. Furthermore, achievements are permanently logged within the player's Steam account.
Patient Zero[]
Complete Patient Zero Zone.
Complete The Silver Strand Zone.
Complete Tera Jungle Zone.
Into the Fire[]
Complete Firewell Factory Zone.
The Hidden Forest[]
Complete The Hidden Forest Zone.
Angel of Light[]
Complete Thunder Labs Zone.
The Ghost Baron[]
Complete Blackhall Keep Zone.
The Hornet's Nest[]
Complete ZPCI Stronghold Zone.
The Art of Combo[]
Defeat Vileclaw without using the basic Strike ability.
- By "basic Strike" the game means Quick Strike.
- If already unlocked, beating Vileclaw in a new run will make the game grant the achievement again, regardless if it's condition was met or not. This is caused by a bug in the game.
- Tip: Claw can be used as a replacement for Quick Strike. Alternate the usage of Claw with an ability that applies a Physical buff to keep the damage from it at max.
True Friend[]
Use your Regenerate ability on an ally.
Deal 20,000 damage in a single hit.
- Tip: Evolve an high damaging ability with an evolution that increases damage dealt.
- Examples of high damaging abilities are Drill Strike, Blast, Shatter and Arc Flash.
- Examples of evolutions are Final Hour and Opening Gambit. The evolutions Impact and Sharpen also work for abilities with bonus Crit. Damage (Blast & Arc Flash).
Beat the game only using the Physical Tree.
- For some players, Steam doesn't unlock this achievement after beating the game as normal. The achievement may appear unlocked in the game profile, just not in the user's Steam profile. Entering a training fight, and winning it, will fix this.
R & D[]
Use all evolutions at least once.
- Tip: There are evolutions that can only be evolved onto abilities of a specific element. Because all strains except Physical contains abilities of a single element, this achievement is normally achieved in multiple runs. However, it's possible to do it in a single run using Chroma Shell.
Level up an item to max level.
Beat the game without respecing your skills.
- For some players, Steam doesn't unlock this achievement after beating the game as normal. The achievement may appear unlocked in the game profile, just not in the user's Steam profile. Entering a training fight, and winning it, will fix this.
- Tip: This achievement is easier to earn after beating the game once, so the player know what to expect. Another thing is to save skill points rather than spending them immediately, so the player can learn a situational ability that makes a specific fight easier to beat without using respec.
Evolve the same skill 3 times in a single fight.
Sting Like A Bee[]
Execute a basic attack 200 times.
- Tip: All strains except Fire has access to a basic attack.
Gain 5% bonus damage from 3 different strains.
- To be specific, it's at least 5% element power bonus in each strain. This requires at least 15 skill points.
Watch The World Burn[]
Defeat the War Lizard without using a single attack.
- If already unlocked, beating War Lizard in a new run will make the game grant the achievement again, regardless if it's condition was met or not. This is caused by a bug in the game.
- The War Lizard is encountered in Zone 3.
- Tip: As Kara points out, the War Lizard will eventually kill itself due to its DoT passive. Have Veradux and Dr Herregods in the party and simply tank the damage the War Lizard deals.
Defeat Leon the Inquisitor without using any allies.
- Inquisitor Leon, not "Leon the Inquisitor", is encountered in Zone 4, Stage 6.
- If already unlocked, beating Leon in a new run will make the game grant the achievement again, regardless if it's condition was met or not. This is caused by a bug in the game.
- Tip: Kill both wolves before Leon uses Sacrifice. Alternatively, have 1 or 2 abilities evolved with Barrier (apply Shield to self) before Leon sacrifices a wolf. The buff granted from the evolution will likely last for the entirety of the Blessing buff from Sacrifice.
- While not officially an achievement, the game congratulates you for beating the game without the use of training fights, which includes a star on top of the save file. Note that none of the achievements actually requires a legend run in order to earn it.
- The game also doesn't have an achievement for completing The Red Pillars zone, unlike the other zones.