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Sonny Wiki

Accessory is an equipment type in Sonny (2017). These have a multiplier of 0.5 to their stats and prices. There is a total of 45 Accessory equipment in the game, of which there are:

  • 31 Common
  • 10 Uncommon
  • 4 Rare


  • When Common items drop, their level is set to the fight's Stage level
  • Item levels marked in Bold can be obtained in a legend run.
  • Item levels marken in Italic can normally not be obtained in normal gameplay, despite being able to drop according to the game code
    • This only applies to Common drop items, specifically when Sonny is training at the same level as the Zone level, which produces the lowest drop levels of that zone. It happens because for some zones, Sonny's level is 1 higher than it's Zone level, resulting in training fights which drop items with a level higher than the lowest drop level.
    • This occurs in Zone 2 and Zone 5.

Accessory Items in Sonny (2017)[]

Compass Compass - Common Accessory Shop - Patient Zero
Attribute Mod Lvl 3
Power 0.3 4
Speed 0.4 5
Vitality 0.3 4
Buy Price $20
Sell Price (0/5) $10
(1/5) $12
(2/5) $16
(3/5) $22
(4/5) $30
(5/5) $40
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $4
(2/5) $8
(3/5) $12
(4/5) $16
(5/5) $20

Luckycharm Lucky Charm - Common Accessory Shop - The Silver Strand
Attribute Mod Lvl 5
Defense 0.4 9
Speed 0.4 9
Crit. Chance 5%
Buy Price $30
Sell Price (0/5) $15
(1/5) $18
(2/5) $24
(3/5) $33
(4/5) $45
(5/5) $60
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $6
(2/5) $12
(3/5) $18
(4/5) $24
(5/5) $30

Powerbracelet Power Bracelet - Common Accessory Shop - The Silver Strand
Attribute Mod Lvl 7
Power 0.6 22
Defense 0.4 15
Buy Price $50
Sell Price (0/5) $25
(1/5) $30
(2/5) $40
(3/5) $55
(4/5) $75
(5/5) $100
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $10
(2/5) $20
(3/5) $30
(4/5) $40
(5/5) $50

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryBottledFortune Bottled Fortune - Common Accessory Drop - The Silver Strand
Attribute Mod Lvl 2 Lvl 3 Lvl 4 Lvl 5 Lvl 6 Lvl 7 Lvl 8 Lvl 9
Speed 0.7 6 9 12 16 20 25 31 37
Vitality 0.2 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 11
Crit. Chance 5%
Sell Price (0/5) $8 $10 $12 $15 $20 $25 $32 $40
(1/5) $9 $12 $15 $18 $24 $30 $39 $48
(2/5) $12 $16 $20 $24 $32 $40 $52 $64
(3/5) $16 $22 $28 $33 $44 $55 $72 $88
(4/5) $22 $30 $38 $45 $60 $75 $98 $120
(5/5) $30 $40 $50 $60 $80 $100 $130 $160
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $3 $4 $5 $6 $8 $10 $13 $16
(2/5) $6
(3/5) $9
(4/5) $12
(5/5) $15

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryInfectAidKit InfectAid Kit - Common Accessory Starts on Veradux
Attribute Mod Lvl 4
Defense 0.3 5
Speed 0.5 9
Vitality 0.2 4
Nature Pow. 25%
Sell Price (0/5) $12
(1/5) $15
(2/5) $20
(3/5) $28
(4/5) $38
(5/5) $50
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $5
(2/5) $10
(3/5) $15
(4/5) $20
(5/5) $25

Venom oil Vemon Oil - Common Accessory Shop - Tera Jungle
Attribute Mod Lvl 9
Power 0.4 21
Speed 0.2 11
Vitality 0.2 11
Nature Pow. 15%
Buy Price $80
Sell Price (0/5) $40
(1/5) $48
(2/5) $64
(3/5) $88
(4/5) $120
(5/5) $160
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $16
(2/5) $32
(3/5) $48
(4/5) $64
(5/5) $80

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryCoconutOil Coconut Oil - Common Accessory Drop - Tera Jungle
Attribute Mod Lvl 4 Lvl 5 Lvl 6 Lvl 7 Lvl 8 Lvl 9 Lvl 10 Lvl 11
Vitality 0.7 12 16 20 25 31 37 43 51
Crit. Chance 15%
Nature Def. 35%
Sell Price (0/5) $12 $15 $20 $25 $32 $40 $45 $52
(1/5) $15 $18 $24 $30 $39 $48 $54 $63
(2/5) $20 $24 $32 $40 $52 $64 $72 $84
(3/5) $28 $33 $44 $55 $72 $88 $99 $116
(4/5) $38 $45 $60 $75 $98 $120 $135 $158
(5/5) $50 $60 $80 $100 $130 $160 $180 $210
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $5 $6 $8 $10 $13 $16 $18 $21
(2/5) $10
(3/5) $15
(4/5) $20
(5/5) $25

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryTitanSap Titan Sap - Common Accessory Drop - Tera Jungle
Attribute Mod Lvl 4 Lvl 5 Lvl 6 Lvl 7 Lvl 8 Lvl 9 Lvl 10 Lvl 11
Power 0.2 4 5 6 8 9 11 13 15
Defense 0.3 5 7 9 11 13 16 19 22
Speed 0.4 7 9 12 15 18 21 25 29
Crit. Chance 5%
Sell Price (0/5) $12 $15 $20 $25 $32 $40 $45 $52
(1/5) $15 $18 $24 $30 $39 $48 $54 $63
(2/5) $20 $24 $32 $40 $52 $64 $72 $84
(3/5) $28 $33 $44 $55 $72 $88 $99 $116
(4/5) $38 $45 $60 $75 $98 $120 $135 $158
(5/5) $50 $60 $80 $100 $130 $160 $180 $210
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $5 $6 $8 $10 $13 $16 $18 $21
(2/5) $10
(3/5) $15
(4/5) $20
(5/5) $25

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryDoctorsMagicMix Doctor's Magic Mix - Common Accessory Starts on Dr Herregods
Attribute Mod Lvl 6
Defense 0.5 15
Speed 0.5 15
Nature Pow. 15%
Sell Price (0/5) $20
(1/5) $24
(2/5) $32
(3/5) $44
(4/5) $60
(5/5) $80
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $8
(2/5) $16
(3/5) $24
(4/5) $32
(5/5) $40

Bio ring Bio Ring - Uncommon Accessory Shop - Tera Jungle
Attribute Mod Lvl 9
Power 0.8 52
Vitality 0.2 13
Buy Price $100
Sell Price (0/5) $50
(1/5) $60
(2/5) $80
(3/5) $110
(4/5) $150
(5/5) $200
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $20
(2/5) $40
(3/5) $60
(4/5) $80
(5/5) $100

Sonny2017-RareAccessoryTitanAcid Titan Acid - Rare Accessory Drop - Tera Jungle Miniboss stage
Attribute Mod Lvl 8
Power 0.4 25
Speed 0.35 22
Vitality 0.25 16
Physical Def. 10%
Sell Price (0/5) $45
(1/5) $54
(2/5) $72
(3/5) $99
(4/5) $135
(5/5) $180
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $18
(2/5) $36
(3/5) $54
(4/5) $72
(5/5) $90

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryIronGear Iron Gear - Common Accessory Shop - Firewell Factory
Attribute Mod Lvl 10
Power 0.55 34
Speed 0.45 28
Buy Price $90
Sell Price (0/5) $45
(1/5) $54
(2/5) $72
(3/5) $99
(4/5) $135
(5/5) $180
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $18
(2/5) $36
(3/5) $54
(4/5) $72
(5/5) $90

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryHeatShield Heat Shield - Common Accessory Shop - Firewell Factory
Attribute Mod Lvl 12
Defense 0.5 42
Vitality 0.5 42
Fire Def. 35%
Buy Price $125
Sell Price (0/5) $62
(1/5) $75
(2/5) $100
(3/5) $138
(4/5) $188
(5/5) $250
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $25
(2/5) $50
(3/5) $75
(4/5) $100
(5/5) $125

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryGoldenGear Golden Gear - Common Accessory Drop - Firewell Factory
Attribute Mod Lvl 8 Lvl 9 Lvl 10 Lvl 11 Lvl 12 Lvl 13 Lvl 14 Lvl 15
Power 0.4 18 21 25 29 33 38 43 48
Speed 0.4 18 21 25 29 33 38 43 48
Crit. Chance 5%
Sell Price (0/5) $32 $40 $45 $52 $62 $70 $80 $90
(1/5) $39 $48 $54 $63 $75 $84 $96 $108
(2/5) $52 $64 $72 $84 $100 $112 $128 $144
(3/5) $72 $88 $99 $116 $138 $154 $176 $198
(4/5) $98 $120 $135 $158 $188 $210 $240 $270
(5/5) $130 $160 $180 $210 $250 $280 $320 $360
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $13 $16 $18 $21 $25 $28 $32 $36
(2/5) $26
(3/5) $39
(4/5) $52
(5/5) $65

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryHeatScope Heat Scope - Common Accessory Starts on Kara
Attribute Mod Lvl 10
Speed 0.5 31
Crit. Chance 5%
Hit. Bonus 15%
Fire Pow. 10%
Sell Price (0/5) $45
(1/5) $54
(2/5) $72
(3/5) $99
(4/5) $135
(5/5) $180
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $18
(2/5) $36
(3/5) $54
(4/5) $72
(5/5) $90

Sonny2017-UncommonAccessoryRubyRing Ruby Ring - Uncommon Accessory Shop - Firewell Factory
Attribute Mod Lvl 12
Power 0.8 83
Crit. Chance 10%
Buy Price $155
Sell Price (0/5) $78
(1/5) $93
(2/5) $124
(3/5) $170
(4/5) $232
(5/5) $310
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $31
(2/5) $62
(3/5) $93
(4/5) $124
(5/5) $155

Sonny2017-RareAccessoryDragonCore Dragon Core - Rare Accessory Drop - Firewell Factory Miniboss Stage
Attribute Mod Lvl 10
Power 0.3 26
Defense 0.4 35
Speed 0.2 18
Fire Def. 15%
Sell Price (0/5) $65
(1/5) $78
(2/5) $104
(3/5) $143
(4/5) $195
(5/5) $260
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $26
(2/5) $52
(3/5) $78
(4/5) $104
(5/5) $130

Sonny2017-CommonAccessorySealedRing Sealed Ring - Common Accessory Shop - The Hidden Forest
Attribute Mod Lvl 15
Power 0.6 72
Defense 0.4 48
Buy Price $180
Sell Price (0/5) $90
(1/5) $108
(2/5) $144
(3/5) $198
(4/5) $270
(5/5) $360
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $36
(2/5) $72
(3/5) $108
(4/5) $144
(5/5) $180

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryInfectAidKit Survival Kit - Common Accessory Shop - The Hidden Forest
Attribute Mod Lvl 15
Power 0.25 30
Speed 0.7 84
Frost Def. 15%
Buy Price $180
Sell Price (0/5) $90
(1/5) $108
(2/5) $144
(3/5) $198
(4/5) $270
(5/5) $360
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $36
(2/5) $72
(3/5) $108
(4/5) $144
(5/5) $180

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryWinterOrb Winter Orb - Common Accessory Drop - The Hidden Forest
Attribute Mod Lvl 11 Lvl 12 Lvl 13 Lvl 14 Lvl 15 Lvl 16 Lvl 17
Defense 0.5 36 42 48 54 60 67 74
Speed 0.3 22 25 29 32 36 40 45
Frost Pow. 35%
Sell Price (0/5) $52 $62 $70 $80 $90 $100 $110
(1/5) $63 $75 $84 $96 $108 $120 $132
(2/5) $84 $100 $112 $128 $144 $160 $176
(3/5) $116 $138 $154 $176 $198 $220 $242
(4/5) $158 $188 $210 $240 $270 $300 $330
(5/5) $210 $250 $280 $320 $360 $400 $440
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $21 $25 $28 $32 $36 $40 $44
(2/5) $42
(3/5) $63
(4/5) $84
(5/5) $105

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryHierloomRing Hierloom Ring - Common Accessory Starts on Zakk
Attribute Mod Lvl 13
Power 0.2 19
Speed 0.5 48
Vitality 0.3 29
Frost Def. 15%
Sell Price (0/5) $70
(1/5) $84
(2/5) $112
(3/5) $154
(4/5) $210
(5/5) $280
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $28
(2/5) $56
(3/5) $84
(4/5) $112
(5/5) $140

Sonny2017-UncommonAccessoryOrbOfCold Orb of Cold - Uncommon Accessory Shop - The Hidden Forest
Attribute Mod Lvl 15
Defense 0.65 97
Speed 0.35 53
Frost Pow. 15%
Buy Price $225
Sell Price (0/5) $112
(1/5) $135
(2/5) $180
(3/5) $248
(4/5) $338
(5/5) $450
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $45
(2/5) $90
(3/5) $135
(4/5) $180
(5/5) $225

Sonny2017-CommonAccessorySparkBracelet Spark Bracelet - Common Accessory Shop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 16
Power 0.5 67
Speed 0.35 47
Crit. Chance 10%
Buy Price $200
Sell Price (0/5) $100
(1/5) $120
(2/5) $160
(3/5) $220
(4/5) $300
(5/5) $400
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $40
(2/5) $80
(3/5) $120
(4/5) $160
(5/5) $200

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryLaserSight Laser Sight - Common Accessory Shop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 17
Power 0.55 82
Speed 0.35 52
Hit. Bonus 20%
Buy Price $220
Sell Price (0/5) $110
(1/5) $132
(2/5) $176
(3/5) $242
(4/5) $330
(5/5) $440
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $44
(2/5) $88
(3/5) $132
(4/5) $176
(5/5) $220

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryMagneticBand Magnetic Band - Common Accessory Drop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 13 Lvl 14 Lvl 15 Lvl 16 Lvl 17 Lvl 18 Lvl 19 Lvl 20 Lvl 21
Power 0.4 38 43 48 54 59 65 72 78 85
Speed 0.4 38 43 48 54 59 65 72 78 85
Crit. Chance 5%
Sell Price (0/5) $70 $80 $90 $100 $110 $122 $132 $145 $158
(1/5) $84 $96 $108 $120 $132 $147 $159 $174 $189
(2/5) $112 $128 $144 $160 $176 $196 $212 $232 $252
(3/5) $154 $176 $198 $220 $242 $270 $292 $319 $346
(4/5) $210 $240 $270 $300 $330 $368 $398 $435 $472
(5/5) $280 $320 $360 $400 $440 $490 $530 $580 $630
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $28 $32 $36 $40 $44 $49 $53 $58 $63
(2/5) $56
(3/5) $84
(4/5) $112
(5/5) $140

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryOrbOfThunder Orb of Thunder - Uncommon Accessory Shop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 18
Power 0.2 41
Speed 0.7 143
Lightning Pow. 15%
Buy Price $305
Sell Price (0/5) $152
(1/5) $183
(2/5) $244
(3/5) $336
(4/5) $458
(5/5) $610
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $61
(2/5) $122
(3/5) $183
(4/5) $244
(5/5) $305

Sonny2017-CommonAccessorySurgeResistor Surge Resistor - Uncommon Accessory Shop - Thunder Labs
Attribute Mod Lvl 18
Defense 0.3 61
Vitality 0.6 122
Lightning Def. 15%
Buy Price $305
Sell Price (0/5) $152
(1/5) $183
(2/5) $244
(3/5) $336
(4/5) $458
(5/5) $610
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $61
(2/5) $122
(3/5) $183
(4/5) $244
(5/5) $305

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryDarkRing Dark Ring - Common Accessory Shop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 20
Defense 0.5 98
Speed 0.25 49
Vitality 0.25 49
Buy Price $290
Sell Price (0/5) $145
(1/5) $174
(2/5) $232
(3/5) $319
(4/5) $435
(5/5) $580
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $58
(2/5) $116
(3/5) $174
(4/5) $232
(5/5) $290

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryUnholyTome Unholy Tome - Common Accessory Shop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 21
Power 0.7 148
Vitality 0.3 64
Buy Price $315
Sell Price (0/5) $158
(1/5) $189
(2/5) $252
(3/5) $346
(4/5) $472
(5/5) $630
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $63
(2/5) $126
(3/5) $189
(4/5) $252
(5/5) $315

Sonny2017-CommonAccessorySealedRing Cursed Ring - Common Accessory Drop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 17 Lvl 18 Lvl 19 Lvl 20 Lvl 21 Lvl 22 Lvl 23 Lvl 24
Power 0.65 96 106 116 127 138 149 161 173
Vitality 0.2 30 33 36 39 43 46 50 54
Shadow Pow. 15%
Sell Price (0/5) $110 $122 $132 $145 $158 $172 $185 $200
(1/5) $132 $147 $159 $174 $189 $207 $222 $240
(2/5) $176 $196 $212 $232 $252 $276 $296 $320
(3/5) $242 $270 $292 $319 $346 $380 $407 $440
(4/5) $330 $368 $398 $435 $472 $518 $555 $600
(5/5) $440 $490 $530 $580 $630 $690 $740 $800
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $44 $49 $53 $58 $63 $69 $74 $80
(2/5) $88
(3/5) $132
(4/5) $176
(5/5) $220

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryEnergyOrb Energy Orb - Common Accessory Drop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 17 Lvl 18 Lvl 19 Lvl 20 Lvl 21 Lvl 22 Lvl 23 Lvl 24
Power 0.3 45 49 54 59 64 69 74 80
Vitality 0.4 59 65 72 78 85 92 99 107
Hit. Bonus 25%
Sell Price (0/5) $110 $122 $132 $145 $158 $172 $185 $200
(1/5) $132 $147 $159 $174 $189 $207 $222 $240
(2/5) $176 $196 $212 $232 $252 $276 $296 $320
(3/5) $242 $270 $292 $319 $346 $380 $407 $440
(4/5) $330 $368 $398 $435 $472 $518 $555 $600
(5/5) $440 $490 $530 $580 $630 $690 $740 $800
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $44 $49 $53 $58 $63 $69 $74 $80
(2/5) $88
(3/5) $132
(4/5) $176
(5/5) $220

Sonny2017-UncommonAccessoryHauntedOrb Haunted Orb - Uncommon Accessory Shop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 22
Defense 0.3 86
Vitality 0.5 143
Hit. Bonus 15%
Shadow Pow. 15%
Buy Price $430
Sell Price (0/5) $215
(1/5) $258
(2/5) $344
(3/5) $473
(4/5) $645
(5/5) $860
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $86
(2/5) $172
(3/5) $258
(4/5) $344
(5/5) $430

Sonny2017-UncommonAccessoryMistLantern Mist Lantern - Uncommon Accessory Shop - Blackhall Keep
Attribute Mod Lvl 22
Power 0.3 86
Speed 0.6 172
Physical Def. 15%
Buy Price $430
Sell Price (0/5) $215
(1/5) $258
(2/5) $344
(3/5) $473
(4/5) $645
(5/5) $860
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $86
(2/5) $172
(3/5) $258
(4/5) $344
(5/5) $430

Sonny2017-RareAccessoryChronoCrystal Chrono Crystal - Rare Accessory Drop - Blackhall Keep Miniboss Stage
Attribute Mod Lvl 18
Speed 0.85 194
Crit. Chance 15%
Sell Price (0/5) $170
(1/5) $204
(2/5) $272
(3/5) $374
(4/5) $510
(5/5) $680
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $68
(2/5) $136
(3/5) $204
(4/5) $272
(5/5) $340

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryMedicsBadge Medic's Badge - Common Accessory Shop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 23
Defense 0.35 87
Speed 0.35 87
Physical Pow. 15%
Nature Pow. 15%
Buy Price $370
Sell Price (0/5) $185
(1/5) $222
(2/5) $296
(3/5) $407
(4/5) $555
(5/5) $740
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $74
(2/5) $148
(3/5) $222
(4/5) $296
(5/5) $370

Sonny2017-CommonAccessorySnipersBadge Sniper's Badge - Common Accessory Shop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 23
Power 0.35 87
Speed 0.35 87
Fire Pow. 15%
Lightning Pow. 15%
Buy Price $370
Sell Price (0/5) $185
(1/5) $222
(2/5) $296
(3/5) $407
(4/5) $555
(5/5) $740
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $74
(2/5) $148
(3/5) $222
(4/5) $296
(5/5) $370

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryAgentsBadge Agent's Badge - Common Accessory Shop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 23
Defense 0.35 87
Vitality 0.35 87
Frost Pow. 15%
Shadow Pow. 15%
Buy Price $370
Sell Price (0/5) $185
(1/5) $222
(2/5) $296
(3/5) $407
(4/5) $555
(5/5) $740
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $74
(2/5) $148
(3/5) $222
(4/5) $296
(5/5) $370

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryZPCIMedal ZPCI Medal - Common Accessory Drop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 20 Lvl 21 Lvl 22 Lvl 23 Lvl 24 Lvl 25 Lvl 26
Power 0.25 49 53 58 62 67 72 77
Defense 0.25 49 53 58 62 67 72 77
Speed 0.25 49 53 58 62 67 72 77
Vitality 0.25 49 53 58 62 67 72 77
Crit. Chance 5%
Sell Price (0/5) $145 $158 $172 $185 $200 $212 $228
(1/5) $174 $189 $207 $222 $240 $255 $273
(2/5) $232 $252 $276 $296 $320 $340 $364
(3/5) $319 $346 $380 $407 $440 $468 $500
(4/5) $435 $472 $518 $555 $600 $638 $682
(5/5) $580 $630 $690 $740 $800 $850 $910
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $58 $63 $69 $74 $80 $85 $91
(2/5) $116
(3/5) $174
(4/5) $232
(5/5) $290

Sonny2017-UncommonAccessoryZPCISignet ZPCI Signet - Uncommon Accessory Shop - ZPCI Stronghold
Attribute Mod Lvl 24
Defense 0.5 166
Speed 0.2 67
Vitality 0.3 100
Buy Price $495
Sell Price (0/5) $248
(1/5) $297
(2/5) $396
(3/5) $544
(4/5) $742
(5/5) $990
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $99
(2/5) $198
(3/5) $297
(4/5) $396
(5/5) $495

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryBioEssence Bio Essence - Common Accessory Shop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 25
Power 0.3 86
Defense 0.2 57
Speed 0.3 86
Vitality 0.2 57
Buy Price $425
Sell Price (0/5) $212
(1/5) $255
(2/5) $340
(3/5) $468
(4/5) $638
(5/5) $850
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $85
(2/5) $170
(3/5) $255
(4/5) $340
(5/5) $425

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryVolcanicRing Volcanic Ring - Common Accessory Shop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 25
Power 0.4 114
Vitality 0.5 143
Fire Pow. 15%
Buy Price $425
Sell Price (0/5) $212
(1/5) $255
(2/5) $340
(3/5) $468
(4/5) $638
(5/5) $850
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $85
(2/5) $170
(3/5) $255
(4/5) $340
(5/5) $425

Sonny2017-CommonAccessoryOrbOfLife Orb of Life - Common Accessory Drop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 22 Lvl 23 Lvl 24 Lvl 25 Lvl 26 Lvl 27 Lvl 28 Lvl 29 Lvl 30
Defense 0.7 160 173 186 200 214 228 243 258 273
Shadow Def. 30%
Sell Price (0/5) $172 $185 $200 $212 $228 $245 $260 $275 $292
(1/5) $207 $222 $240 $255 $273 $294 $312 $330 $351
(2/5) $276 $296 $320 $340 $364 $392 $416 $440 $468
(3/5) $380 $407 $440 $468 $500 $539 $572 $605 $644
(4/5) $518 $555 $600 $638 $682 $735 $780 $825 $878
(5/5) $690 $740 $800 $850 $910 $980 $1040 $1100 $1170
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $69 $74 $80 $85 $91 $98 $104 $110 $117
(2/5) $138
(3/5) $207
(4/5) $276
(5/5) $345

Sonny2017-UncommonAccessoryImmortalCapsule Immortal Capsule - Uncommon Accessory Shop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 25
Defense 0.7 249
Speed 0.3 107
Shadow Def. 10%
Buy Price $535
Sell Price (0/5) $268
(1/5) $321
(2/5) $428
(3/5) $588
(4/5) $802
(5/5) $1070
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $107
(2/5) $214
(3/5) $321
(4/5) $428
(5/5) $535

Sonny2017-UncommonAccessoryOracleOrb Oracle Orb - Uncommon Accessory Shop - The Red Pillars
Attribute Mod Lvl 25
Power 0.4 143
Speed 0.6 214
Crit. Chance 5%
Buy Price $535
Sell Price (0/5) $268
(1/5) $321
(2/5) $428
(3/5) $588
(4/5) $802
(5/5) $1070
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $107
(2/5) $214
(3/5) $321
(4/5) $428
(5/5) $535

Sonny2017-RareAccessoryEyeOfPurity Eye of Purity - Rare Accessory Drop - The Red Pillars Miniboss Stage
Attribute Mod Lvl 22
Power 0.4 128
Speed 0.3 96
Vitality 0.2 64
Physical Pow. 10%
Sell Price (0/5) $298
(1/5) $357
(2/5) $476
(3/5) $654
(4/5) $892
(5/5) $1190
Upgrade Price
(Total Cost)
(1/5) $119
(2/5) $238
(3/5) $357
(4/5) $476
(5/5) $595


  • An item's buying price is always a multiple of 5, and at >$1000 it's always a multiple of 10.
    • Since it's initial upgrade price is a fifth of the buying price, the upgrade price of all item levels is always an integer.
  • This equipment type has the lowest multiplier (0.5) for stats and prices, and the least amount of items of Uncommon rarity, out of all types.
    • It does however have the most items of Common rarity.
  • Some Accessory items have misspelled names:
    • "Vemon Oil" --> "Venom Oil"
    • "Hierloom Ring" --> "Heirloom Ring"